Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (589)
Economic Crash Coming
Politico, July 22, 2019
Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday predicted an imminent economic crisis unless the Trump administration and Congress quickly pass legislation to regulate the financial sector and significantly reduce middle class household debt.
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” Warren wrote.
Most of Warren’s proposals to head off the crisis are policies she has called for recently on the campaign trail such as forgiving over $600 billion in student loan debt, enacting her “Green Manufacturing Plan”, strengthening unions, providing universal child care and raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
It is almost certain that President Donald Trump will not sign and the Republican-led Senate will not pass these policies, meaning that Warren’s prediction of a crash will likely be tested over the next two years.
Warren has long been arguing that the economy is not as strong as the toplines suggest. “The overall numbers about GDP or the stock market don’t reflect the lived experiences of most Americans,” she told reporters. “For most people, wages haven’t gone up in a generation and yet the cost of housing, the cost of health care, the cost of childcare, the cost of sending a kid to college have all gone through the roof. The middle class squeeze is real and it has gotten tougher for people over the last few years.”
She writes that she warned of the 2008 financial years beforehand and sees similarly ominous signs now. “And when I saw the seeds of the 2008 crisis growing, I rang the alarm as loud as I could,” she writes, citing interviews and her 2003 book Two Income Trap, which warned about a mortgage “lending industry run amok.”
Instead of housing and mortgages, Warren now points to leveraged corporate loans — lending to companies with high levels of debt — as a potential area of systemic risk. “These high-risk loans now make up a quarter of all American business loans, and they look a lot like the pre-2008 subprime mortgages: poorly underwritten loans with minimal protections that are then packaged and sold to investors,” she wrote.
These loans have increased during the Trump administration as federal regulators have relaxed 2013 guidance that tightened lending standards.
Warren’s concern is shared by others. Former chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen has been warning about these loans for the last several months. She told the Financial Times last fall that “there has been a huge deterioration in standards; covenants have been loosened in leveraged lending...I am worried about the systemic risks associated with these loans.”
Warren also argued that high levels of household and corporate debt could also make any economic turmoil spread quickly. “The country’s economic foundation is fragile. A single shock could bring it all down,” she writes. “And the Trump Administration’s reckless behavior is increasing the odds of just such a shock.”
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