“Let us summarize what the average American was likely to learn about our forced exile to the Soviet Union. Some 'mentally disturbed' man living in the citadel of freedom had taken his unwitting wife and bright children to a land of horrors. His 'crazy' act came after his employers, who could no longer tolerate the 'deteriorating' work brought about by his 'drastic change in behavior,' had to fire him. In Moscow, this 'deeply troubled man' boasted of his scientific work at two prestigious American universities, but a careful and exhaustive check verified that he had never worked at either of them.
“His own stunned father said that his son 'must be mentally disturbed.' Neighbors and former co-workers were 'terribly shocked' that a Jewish family would go to a land where they were sure to receive 'heavy abuse.' Earlier reports showed that the couple had no significant political convictions, which corroborated the government's response that charges of political persecution were 'patently absurd.' Subsequently, it was learned that they had been Communists 'without any human feeling whatsoever.'
“This composite image was fashioned on the backdrop of the long-standing distortion of life under socialism. For most American readers, the caricature was convincing.” (Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States, Arnold Lockshin and Lauren Lockshin, p. 118)
It is perfectly obvious that “the long-standing distortion of life under socialism” applies not only to
Arnold Lockshin.
The most grievous and outrageous distortions clearly do not revolve around one American who was forced by the US secret political police to abandon his country and obtain political asylum in the Soviet Union.
The most vicious caricatures of blatant and incessantly repeated lies revolve first and foremost around the Soviet Union. And especially against the USSR's most productive and effective leader Joseph Stalin.
The most slandered person in all of world history...
Joseph Stalin (Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Ста́лин (настоящая фамилия — Джугашви́ли) is easily the most slandered individual in all of human history. The enormous achievements made by the Soviet people under his guidance are masked by a perpetual avalanche of distortions and outright lies.
In fact, it is precisely these monumental gains and victories that engender the non-ending torrent of vicious attacks.
Including the monumental lie that Stalin was personally responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent Soviet citizens.
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