How “communists” prospered... (continued)
We continue on our tour of late-1960s Boston-area young “communists.”
Reverend “communist” Grubbs:
“The Reverend Dr. Clyde Grubbs became our contract minister in 2017. He most recently served as Interim Minister at Cambridge UU Church.
“Rev Grubbs is a Unitarian Universalist minister who has served congregations in Indiana, Quebec, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida and California. He is married to Michelle Walsh, a Unitarian Universalist community minister who teaches at Boston University. Together they lead a community ministry called Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice and Healing...
“Before entering the ministry, Rev Grubbs worked as a community and labor organizer.” (Meet our Minister - WELCOME TO ALL SOULS CHURCH)
Fake “communist” Grubbs made it to the clergy! How about that!
A “communist” strummer does all right:
“Eliot Kenin has been performing and teaching guitar and banjo since the fifties. In the early sixities he was director of the Philadelphia Folk Workshop, one of the county's earliest folk music schools. The staff performed as a bluegrass band.
“In the late sixites he led the Great Metropolitan Steam Band which played ragtime and blues and recorded for the Decca label.
“In the seventies he helped organize the Simcha Orchestra, one of the first of the West Coast bands reviving traditional Jewish Music.
“Since the eighties he has led the Spirit of '29 Dixieland Jazz Band.
“Since 2003 he has led Reinhardt Swing, a Hot Club of France style band.” (
Kenin's wife Millea, also a FBI stooge, died some years ago.
Another success story:
“Born in Boston Massachusetts in 1947, Donald Halfkenny BSc. CMD is, with 48 years of clinical and teaching experience, an internationally respected and sought after Lecturer, teacher and clinician of classical acupuncture and chinese medicine. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree, medical degrees in both acupuncture and chinese medicine and is a M.I.T. Community Fellow.” (Ling Shu Institute for Classical Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Donald Halfkenny)
A young “communist” couple make out OK in later life:
“Joel Kugelmass, Senior Analyst UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center” (UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2018)
Lois Johnson (spelling?) Kugelmass:
“Former Senior Labor Relations Representative at CSUEU / CSEA
Former Former President at UAW Local 2350
Studied at Wellesley College” (Facebook)
Yet another...
“Sandy Eaton is a Massachusetts activist. In 2001 Sandy Eaton, was a staff nurse at Quincy Medical Center, a member of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, as well as the Labor Party and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism...''
“In 1991 Sandy Eaton was one of several hundred Communist Party USA members to sign the a paper
'An initiative to Unite and Renew the Party'...” (Key Wiki)
“A founding member of the Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care, Sandy Eaton had served for many years in the leadership of the Massachusetts Nurses Association... Eaton has written and spoken extensively on nursing, labor and healthcare issues, and currently co-edits the newsletter Health Justice for Boston/Salud con Justicia para Boston.” (People's World, Jan. 9, 2017)
Phony “communist” and then “near-communist” Eaton continues putting on a “movement” face without suffering the slightest FBI assault on him.
There were a few other young Boston-area “communists,” for whom the internet gave no current information: Quentin Reynolds, Dan Mack, Virginia Guild (spelling?), her brother Robert, Robert's wife (first name?). Plus a handful of others whose names I do not remember.
Nonetheless, the pattern is absolutely clear. These malicious fakers never were/are communists, but malignant and filthy FBI stooges whose duplicity was their meal ticket for a comfortable life in imperialist America.
Not a few of them still pretend to be “activists” or “progressives” of a sort, but that is simply more virulent fakery. Donna Lieberman of the NYCLU (see post 23) is a full-time FBI operative. The other pigs, even in old age, remain/remained part of the millions of part-time FBI operatives (see post 13 of this series) that infest Dictatorship USA real politics.
One of the rat pack becomes honest, with tragic consequences...
Special note should be taken of Barbara Flynn, a young woman from Connecticut. Barbara became extremely remorseful of her duplicitous “communist” role, morbidly so. “I have hurt people, I have hurt people,” the conscience-stricken Radcliffe student stated as she dropped out of pseudo-politics. That was not all. Flynn later committed suicide by ghastly self-immolation, in the manner of the Buddhist monks who in this way protested US imperialist-led mass murder in Vietnam.
Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».
Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» -
Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!
ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...
Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США
ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!