My “family” (3)

Why didn't I catch on to Lauren Brown's perfidy and treachery early on?

(1) Because I was not born with my current knowledge of psychological warfare and the gruesome machinations of imperialism. Gaining these insights took many years of experience, study – and struggle.

(2) Because the worldwide imperialist US-run Gestapo has enormous experience and funds at its disposal. The provocations and cover-ups are clever and often hit the victim when and where he least expects them.

The first impressions presented by an attractive young woman can be profound and lasting:

“Psychological warfare organizers attach great importance to creating the desired first impressions, because they tend to last in unwitting victims.

“'Findings produced by researchers in the areas of social psychology and communication theory have shown that once communication has been successfully used to convince a person of something, a type of “prejudice” takes place. The person thus persuaded then has a tendency to ignore that which tends to discredit it.'” (Undercover Operations and Persuasion, Randolph D. Hicks II, 1973, p. 20) (In Silent Terror, p. 88)


3) Because the vicious secret political police resorted to devious and sometimes dramatic devices to establish my “wife” as a co-victim. Notable is the following incident:

“An ever more frightening scene was played out one rainy afternoon when Lauren was home alone. The doorbell rang. Lauren looked through the eye of the door to see Jehle (our extremely hostile across-the-street neighbor) standing holding something in his hands. As she cautiously opened the door, Jehle uncovered the object – revealing a gun. He cocked the weapon and pointed it directly at Lauren's head.

“'I don't want any trouble around here,' he threatened.

“Alarmed, Lauren asked if the gun was loaded. Jehle glared fiercely and hissed: 'Of course, it's loaded!' Fearing for her life, Lauren screamed at him to get off our property and slammed the door as hard as she could.

“The March 1987 issue of Life magazine contains a photo of a proud Jehle (spelled “Jahle' in this article) standing with a .38 caliber pistol across the street from our former home (Photo 10). In this article, he admits confronting Lauren with a loaded gun...” (see Silent Terror, p. 33.)

At the time, I was miles away in the laboratory; I did not and was not supposed to witness this “incident.” In Silent Terror, I wrote about it as Lauren dictated.

What intrigued me was why a major US publication would vividly “confirm” this apparently frightening episode, publishing an actual photo of a proud Jehle holding his gun.

Such public acknowledgement of political police-directed threats and terror is not at all what the US Gestapo likes to do. These vicious monsters far prefer denying wrongdoing and hiding to the greatest degree possible their cruel machinations. And publications like Life are themselves the faithful lying servants of the horrific US lie, spy, criminal, provocation, subversion and regime change, terror, drug-runnning, torture, war and mass murder apparatus.


In reality, Lauren Brown was not threatened by Jehle or anyone else. She was a dirty tool of the US secret political police, not a victim. Brown was a false victim. *

“False victims ... the FBI sets up false victims and pseudo-revolutionaries to obscure the serious plots against genuine progressives and activists.” (Silent Terror, p. 67)

The aim of this masquerade was to reinforce the image of my “wife” as a co-victim of the terror campaign waged in earnest against me. According to plan, I would rely on her as a reliable and loving “helpmate” in a very difficult, taxing and worrisome struggle.

The strange Life magazine photo was intended to “verify” her story and “prove” - to me, first of all - that slut Brown was, like me, also under attack.

A sinister psychological warfare ruse. But effective.

Effective, but not permanent.


* Creating a false victim is a widespread tactic of US imperialist psychological warriors. The television channel RT, for instance is entirely a CIA production, but it has been forced in the US to register as a “foreign agent.” Allegedly RT played an important role in the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, helping to elect Donald Trump as president.

That assertion is absurd on its face. «На первый квартал 2015 года, как отмечает газета Daily Beast, RT практически отсутствует в рейтингах новостных телевизионных каналов в США.» [RT, Википедия] «In 2015 The Daily Beast reported that RT hugely exaggerated its global viewership and that its most-watched segments were on apolitical subjects.» [RT (TV network), Wikipedia]

Why then “attack” CIA-controlled and -run RT?

The aim has little to do with the tv channel itself, but is intended to intensify hostile anti-Russian propaganda.

To defend its own (essentially legitimate) interests against an increasingly aggressive US, the Russian bourgeoisie and government – with the support of most of the populace – find themselves in conflict with several priority American policies (in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere). This has made the Russian Federation, and especially President Vladimir Putin, virtually enemy number one in US ruling circles. The loud measures against fake victim RT are nothing other than a vehicle for pernicious US imperialist propaganda.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» -

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!