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Income Inequality’s Most Disturbing Side Effect: Homicide

Where financial disparities are greatest, the murder rate tends to be high.

Scientific American, November 2018

Income inequality can cause all kinds of problems across the economic spectrum—but perhaps the most frightening is homicide. Inequality—the gap between a society's richest and poorest—predicts murder rates better than any other variable, according to Martin Daly, a professor emeritus of psychology at McMaster University in Ontario, who has studied this connection for decades.

It is more tightly tied to murder than straightforward poverty or drug abuse. And research conducted for the World Bank finds that both between and within countries, about half the variance in murder rates can be accounted for by looking at the most common measure of inequality.

The murders most associated with inequality, it seems, are driven by a perceived lack of respect. Like most killings, these are mostly perpetrated by males—and in societies with low inequality, there tend to be very few murders.

Some argue that the real issue is poverty, not inequality. For example, William Pridemore, dean of criminology at the University at Albany, S.U.N.Y., says that the inequity correlation is a methodological artifact.

It takes a while for people to recognize their loss of status as the middle class erodes and they either plummet downward or join the tiny minority at the top. Indeed, murder rates in the U.S. have lately stopped falling and may even be ticking upward. And we have seen rises in what have been labeled “deaths of despair,” such as suicide and opioid overdoses, which research also link with inequality.

Another possible explanation is that as richer people retreat into ever more exclusive communities, their virtual disappearance masks rises in local inequality that are felt by former neighbors. A society in which millions struggle to pay their student loans and make a decent living while watching U.S. secretary of education Betsy DeVos—a woman of enormous wealth—cut the education budget and protect predatory for-profit schools is unlikely to be a safe and stable one.


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