Trump's 'political safety net' is fraying as he betrays his voters' basic needs

In sum, Trump’s economic promises to his rural base haven’t been kept.

AlterNet, Nov. 20, 2018

After running on a transparently false and manipulative message of representing the forgotten and downtrodden parts of the United States, President Donald Trump and his administration are completely uninterested in the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.

Trump’s economic promises to his rural base haven’t been kept. His policies either ignored rural voters or made their finances worse. For them as well as for other Americans still struggling to regain their economic footing from the financial crash in 2008, an economic downturn between now and the 2020 election might send Trump’s approval rating and reelection prospects spiraling downward.

Trump has abandoned any real desire to launch a bold infrastructure initiative that could spur growth in struggling regions. He wasted more than a trillion dollars of government spending on the corporate giveaway that was the 2017 tax cut — not to mention nearly all of his meager political capital. His tax cuts for the rich and for corporations (which used tax savings for stock buybacks) didn’t help them. Moreover, Trump’s trade policy has hurt rural America.

In the Trump economy, the rich get richer, while the poor and the poor locales in the United States get poorer. Statistically, there appears to be no significant improvement in job growth. The gap in housing price growth actually widens. In fact, the larger the Trump electorate, the worse the county’s economic performance.

If the American economy hits a speed bump or two — or even enters a serious recession — Trump's standing among his own supporters could easily plummet.


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