Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

New York City subway and bus services have entered 'death spiral'

TheGuardian, Nov. 20, 2018

New York City’s subway and bus service is already in crisis. It could be getting worse. And more expensive.

Officials at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) warned last week that without a major infusion of cash, they will have to drastically cut service or increase fares on the system that carries millions of New Yorkers around the city.

The system’s financial straits have gotten worse in part because it has fewer riders, and is collecting less money in fares. Expected passenger revenue over a five-year period has dropped by $485m since July.

They’ve entered this death spiral. The subway service and the bus service has become unreliable enough for people to stop using it. If people aren’t using it, there’s less money, and they have to keep raising fares without delivering better service.

The authority is proposing a fare hike that would take effect in March. One option would raise the basic fare for a ride to $3 from the current $2.75. Another option would leave the base fare the same but increase the cost of monthly passes and eliminate bonuses for riders.

They are also proposing $41m a year in service cuts, mainly increasing the time between trains and buses on some routes. And, if approved, the plan would delay the launch of faster bus routes.

Those changes will still leave the MTA with massive deficits, expected to hit nearly $1bn a year by 2022. To tackle those deficits, officials say they would have to cut service more drastically, or raise fares by an additional 15%.

All those troubles include replacing an antiquated signal system that dates back to before the second world war, which could cost $40bn.

The subway hit a crisis last year, when a state of emergency was declared. Delays more than tripled, from about 20,000 a month in 2012 to more than 67,450 in May 2017. The delays cost New Yorkers more than $300m in lost work time a year.

A year after an emergency plan was launched, more than a third of trains were still arriving late. “Things are moving slower than they were in 1950. And at the same time we’ve had three fare hikes. Riders are already paying more for less,” said Danny Pearlstein of the Riders Alliance.


State of Emergency for NYC's Troubled Subways

Bloomberg, June 29, 2017

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency in the city’s subway system and called for a surge of spending on improvements, days after a derailment injured 39 passengers and forced the evacuation of hundreds from the disabled train.

Part of the subway is more than 100 years old, and some cars are still in operation after more than 50 years. Hurricane Sandy flooded some stations and tracks in 2012, causing corrosion to electrical systems.


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