Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
Reuters, March 20, 2018
Kiev must contend with a growing problem: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.
A January 28 demonstration, in Kiev, by 600 members of the so-called “National Militia,” a newly-formed ultranationalist group that vows “to use force to establish order,” illustrates this threat. National Militia members in balaclavas also stormed a city council meeting in the central Ukrainian town of Cherkasy the following day, skirmishing with deputies and forcing them to pass a new budget.
Many of the National Militia's members come from the Azov movement, one of 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions.” Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks, but a recent article in Foreign Affairs downplayed any risks the group might pose.
Numerous organized radical right-wing groups exist in Ukraine. The volunteer battalions have been officially integrated into state structures and some of them have since spun off political and non-profit structures to implement their vision. Azov, for example, runs its own children’s training camp, and the careers section instructs recruits who wish to transfer to Azov from a regular military unit.
In recent months, Ukraine has experienced a wave of unchecked vigilantism. Activists are often harassed by vigilantes when holding legal meetings or rallies related to politically-controversial positions, such as the promotion of LGBT rights or opposition to the war. Azov and other militias have attacked anti-fascist demonstrations, city council meetings, media outlets, art exhibitions, foreign students and Roma.
Progressive activists describe a new climate of fear that they say has been intensifying ever since last year's near-fatal stabbing of anti-war activist Stas Serhiyenko, which is believed to have been perpetrated by an extremist group named C14. Brutal attacks took place this month on International Women’s Day marches in several Ukrainian cities.
Ukrainian extremists are rarely punished for acts of violence. In some cases — such as C14's January attack on a remembrance gathering for two murdered journalists — police actually detain peaceful demonstrators instead.
The connections between law enforcement agencies and extremists give ample reason for concern. C14 and Kiev's city government recently signed an agreement allowing C14 to establish a "municipal guard" to patrol the streets; three such militia-run guard forces are already registered in Kiev, and at least 21 operate in other cities.
Far-right sympathizers in the government include Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who has close ties to Azov leader Andriy Biletsky, as well as Sergei Korotkykh, an Azov veteran who is now a high-ranking police official.
There’s no easy way to eradicate the virulent far-right extremism that has been poisoning Ukrainian politics and public life, but without vigorous and immediate efforts to counteract it, it may soon endanger the state itself.
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