Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...
America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effect on the Cold War (3)
Christopher Simpson*, OurHiddenHistory
More important was recruitment of intelligence agents. In Nazi Germany, most of the intelligence complex was run as part of the Schutzstaffel, or SS, which was the police structure of Nazi Germany. The people who were in charge of intelligence on the Soviet Union were the same people who had participated in the mass murder squads during the opening months of the invasion; and the SS would send some of its "best" officers to the Eastern front, specifically to participate in mass murder missions - as a means of hardening themselves against the bloodshed, which was, in the Nazi view, a particular form of virtue. So these SS agents who had been involved in the mass murder programs, became Nazi Germany's intelligence experts on the Soviet Union.
Those people were “scientists” too, in the eyes of some Western intelligence specialists. We wanted to recruit them in somewhat the same way that the more hard science types, the physicists, were being recruited. The criminality of the people who took part in the mass murder missions is very clear cut. When we hired the Nazi Germany's intelligence complex, we inevitably hired war criminals.
Reinhard Gehlen was the United States' main source of information on the USSR, and particularly on the Soviet Red Army throughout the Cold War. This puts him in an extraordinarily important and pivotal position. Our “teacher” during this time was a man who had a clear ideological agenda of extreme hostility to the Soviet Union. And I'm not just talking about being an anti-Communist; I'm talking about a man who was personally involved in war crimes, and who considered it his own mission to eradicate the Soviet Union. And yet, this is the person that we relied upon for the large majority of our intelligence about the Soviet Union and the Red Army.
Now, what was Gehlen's role during the war? Gehlen was a very successful intelligence officer during the war, to the degree that the Germans were successful, as the Germans lost. And what did he do for his job? Well, in the opening months of the war, the German army captured somewhere between three and four million Soviet POWs. He had herded them into camps, and quite intentionally and very systematically starved these people to death over a period of about two years.
Gehlen's would go into these camps; his men were primarily interrogators who would gather information about the Soviet Union, about the position of the Red Army at the front, and how they were equipped, and which units were where, and this type of information from these POW's. Torture was used, but more commonly was the systematic starvation in the camps. Gehlen also ran a variety of covert missions against the Soviets, behind the lines missions, sabotage.
His role in these starvation camps was important; it's because it was somewhat similar to the role of concentration camp doctors. You had the Josef Mengele's of the world who did supposed scientific research on how quickly it would take a human being to die if they were immersed in freezing seawater. That is the extraction of data from the destruction of human beings. Gehlen was extracting data from the destruction of human beings, and on a mass scale. Yet, after the war, he was considered too valuable to simply be brought to trial as a war criminal, and still less, to be turned over to the Soviets.
In the Soviets' eyes, Gehlen had been responsible for this starvation campaign; but instead, we hired him and protected him. The Russians knew this was going on, even if the American people didn't, so you had the creation of a situation at the early conferences in the immediate wake of the war. At the Potsdam Conference, and there was a variety of other, similar conferences, the Russians would see that we were hiring Gehlen; a man who they considered to be a major war criminal, and who they considered to be very dangerous to them.
Their perception of America's role in these negotiations was immediately undermined, there was immediate establishment of mistrust there. This mistrust escalated and escalated, and became an important component of the Cold War.
To be continued...
* Author of Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effect on the Cold War
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