Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...
Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (158)
America's Car Loan Debt Is out of Control and Getting Worse
Jalopnik, Feb. 15, 2019
The sad truth about living in a country that has no real serious commitment to mass transit is that almost everywhere in America you need a car to live and work.
Cars are great, and we love them, but the shocking rise in delinquent car payments shows the major downsides to car-centric economics.
And a lot of people don’t have $20,000 lying around, and purchasing power for most people hasn’t risen in decades, meaning car loans are an increasingly necessary fact of life for a good chunk of the car-buying public.
How big a chunk? According to new data from Lending Tree, car loans amounted to $1.14 trillion in total as of September 2018.
Further, the terms keep getting worse. We looked awhile back at 84-month car loans, increasingly popular. But payments are rising, averaging $530 per month for new vehicles, up five percent from last year.
Here’s a few more tidbits:
Americans originated a record 2.5 million auto loans in July 2018, the most recent month for which data is available.
Outstanding auto loan balances are rising about 3.1% a year in dollar amounts.
Generation Xers (born from the early 1960s to late 1970s). carry the highest auto loan balances with a median of $18,741 and are the most likely of other age groups to have a car loan.
The average new car loan originated by a finance company is $29,921.27, an increase of more than $5,000 from 10 years earlier.
Average monthly payments are rising, too:
$530 for new vehicles, up 5% year over year
$381 for used vehicles, up 4%
$430 for a new vehicle lease, up 4%
The average auto loan term in the third quarter of 2018 was 68.5 months, a half-month increase from one earlier.
2.3% of outstanding auto debt is “seriously delinquent” (90 days or more).
People will do almost anything to keep from having their cars get repossessed, as integral as they are to modern American life. Having a car is a necessity to live and work. For most people in this country, that is the reality.
“One hundred years ago, the United States had a public transportation system that was the envy of the world. Today, outside a few major urban centers, it is barely on life support.” (Why Did America Give Up on Mass Transit?, Citylab, Aug. 31, 2018)
“Public transit in the United States has not always been so neglected. In the 1920s and 1930s, almost every town in the country had a light- rail system trolley service. Mass transit was convenient, cheap, and plentiful.
“But in the years between 1936 and 1950, there took place one of the sorriest events in our nation’s history—what has become known as the 'Great American Streetcar Scandal.' A number of large corporations, including General Motors, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil of California, and Phillips Petroleum, operating secretly through front organizations, conspired to purchase streetcar systems in forty- five major U.S. cities. The consortium then proceeded to completely dismantle the trolley systems, ripping up their tracks and tearing down their overhead wires.” (What Ever Happened to Public Transportation? HuffPost, May 25, 2011)
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