Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (287)

America’s Dirty War on Immigrant Children

Counterpunch, April 1, 2019

“These aren’t people. These are animals” - Donald Trump, May 17, 2018

There is an emergency, indeed a humanitarian catastrophe at the U.S. Southern Border. It is also a demographic, political and moral catastrophe. The Donald Trump Administration has brought us ever deeper into the unthinkable.

Nine months after a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to reunite thousands of immigrant children taken from their parents at the border, the whereabouts of thousands of children remains unresolved. Some 15,000 migrant children are in government detention. That figure is growing by the day as the number of migrant families crossing southern border reached an 11-year high this February with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago. The most recent Border Patrol data shows that 76,103 migrants were apprehended at the border—two thirds more than during the prior month. More than 40,000 were families travelling together.

Children and newborns continue to be taken from their parents even as the Administration claims to have rescinded the order to forcibly separate migrant families.

America’s littlest desaparecidos, some of them still in diapers, crying inconsolably, begging and screaming for their mothers, wetting their beds, became so traumatized that they stopped speaking. These motherless children began to give up and move inside their little selves, eventually accommodating to a cruel new world, bereft of tenderness and abandoned to caretaker strangers. Months later we have learned that many of these missing children will never be reunited with their parents.

The chaos of parent-child separations, the missing records, missing parents, and missing children echoes other historical traumas in the history of childhood in the United States: African slavery, for one, US government Indian boarding schools for another.

These events bring to mind aspects of Argentina’s Dirty War during the military dictatorship when parents and their children, including infants, were confiscated from suspected ‘radicals’ who were arrested and interrogated (sometimes to the death) as alien enemies to the neo-fascist order. During the Dirty War (1976-1983) some 500 infants and children were separated from their parents and given to right wing military families and their friends who could raise them as “good” fascists.

The use of DNA to identify the Argentine children who had been separated many years earlier by Argentina’s state-sponsored terror and returned to their natural parents and grandparents is reminiscent of the Trump administration’s scrambled attempt to meet a federal judge’s order to reunite thousands of children and parents who had been forcibly separated after crossing the border in search of asylum. The administration was forced to admit it had no records to link several hundred children who had been separated from their parents. The parents of some 200 separated children had already been deported to Central America!

The US dirty war is a dirty war against migrants and refugees seeking asylum in the United States. The President’s attempt to declare a US state of emergency at the Southern US border is politically and morally perverse.

The real emergency is from the other side of the Southern borderland, the mass migrations of desperate asylum seekers coming mostly from the Northern Triangle—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—are fleeing astronomical homicide rates, political and economic instability that did not arise in a vacuum. It is the legacy of decades of US intervention and exploitation of what used to be called the banana republics, run by ruthless dictators, supported by US foreign policies since the mid 20th century. The result was revolutions, massacres, and ethnocides, small wars and invisible genocides.

The real emergency is the miserable deaths in the desert of thousands of Latino migrants forced to take extreme risks to escape poverty, violence, and terror at home. Left behind are the remnants of backpacks, fragments of letters, photos, bibles. Human remains are scattered across the divide. Next to sunbaked human bones are bits and pieces of clothing, a soiled pair of shorts, a T-shirts in shreds, a sandal... The so-called terrorists and rapists of Trump’s imaginary died of thirst, of heat stroke, of hypothermia, of rattlesnake bites, of vultures preying on moribund bodies.

The desolate and silent deaths at the border are manufactured by an immigration policy of deterrence by death, a barbaric approach that purposefully channels ever more desperate migrants to cross the most forbidden areas of extreme danger and high risk.

There are many reasons for the rapid kinetic expansion of migrants fleeing from the northern triangle of Central America—Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. In Guatemala, the source of most recent border crossers, environmental malfeasance and land tenure clashes in the Western highlands, engenders violence. Furthermore, depressed prices in global markets for Guatemalan commodities are pushing farmers up north. Climate change and severe drought in El Salvador has resulted in food insecurity for millions, while deforestation has left Honduras more vulnerable to Hurricanes. Hurricane Mitch left more than 11,000 dead and displaced more than 2.5 million Hondurans in 1998. But above all, war and terror are behind the humanitarian catastrophe.

The United States has a long history of involvement in the so-called dirty wars south of the border. John Chatsworth’s research enumerates 41 occasions of United States-led regime change in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1898 and 2004. As Jeffrey Sachs has noted “violent, extra-constitutional overthrows of Latin American governments by the United States through a variety of means, including wars, coups, assassinations, electoral manipulation, acts of provocation” has led to a giant humanitarian crisis.

State terrorism in Central America killed more than 200,000 civilians in Guatemala and more than 75,000 in El Salvador in recent decades. Likewise what is driving the most recent cycle of Honduran migrants across the US border is the residue of the violent military coup in 2009 that overthrew Honduras’ democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. The coup was fully supported by the US Department of State.

In each of these countries the institutions of society—including schooling, healthcare and the rule of law—has been decimated. Nothingcompetes with the decades of unending civil wars, drug wars, death squads, and military coups—initiated or supported by the United States.

The administration’s fabricated hysteria about brown terrorists, gangsters, rapists, and drug addicts using small children as human shields is cynical theatre. In the coliseum of sadism our immigration policy has become, desperate migrants are thrown to the lions for the insatiable rapaciousness of the professional haters.

To be continued...


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Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 15 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

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