How the Soviet Union saved Arnold Lockshin's life... (3)

Deaths of six men tied to Ferguson protests alarm activists

AssociatedPress, March 18, 2019

Two young men were found dead inside torched cars. Three others died in apparent “suicides.” Another collapsed on a bus, his death ruled an overdose.

The six deaths, all involving men with connections to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, drew attention on social media and speculation in the activist community that something sinister was at play.

Ferguson erupted in protests in August 2014 after officer Darren Wilson fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown during a street confrontation. Brown was unarmed, but Wilson said he fired in self-defense when the Black teenager approached him.

A grand jury declined to charge Wilson in November 2014, prompting one of the most violent nights of demonstrations, and one of the first activist deaths.

Activists say there is a possible connection of the deaths to the protests. Fear persists in Ferguson four and a half years after Brown’s death, citing threats — mostly anonymous — that protest leaders continue to receive.

The Rev. Darryl Gray said he found a box inside his car. When the bomb squad arrived, no explosives were found but a 6-foot python was inside.

Deandre Joshua’s body was found inside a burned car blocks from the protest. The 20-year-old was shot in the head before the car was torched.

Darren Seals, shown on video comforting Brown’s mother that same night, met an almost identical fate two years later. The 29-year-old’s bullet-riddled body was found inside a burning car in September 2016.

No arrests have been made in these two homicides.

The four other deaths, including the three by “suicide,” were:

MarShawn McCarrel of Columbus, Ohio, shot himself in February 2016 outside the front door of the Ohio Statehouse, police said. He had been active in Ferguson.

Edward Crawford Jr., 27, fatally shot himself in May 2017. A photo of Crawford firing a tear gas canister back at police during a Ferguson protest was part of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage.

In October, 24-year-old Danye Jones was found hanging from a tree in the yard of his north St. Louis County home. His mother, Melissa McKinnies, was active in Ferguson and posted on Facebook after her son’s death, “They lynched my baby.” But the death was ruled a suicide.

Bassem Masri, a 31-year-old Palestinian American who frequently livestreamed video of Ferguson demonstrations, was found unresponsive on a bus in November and couldn’t be revived.

The Ferguson protests added momentum to the national Black Lives Matter movement. Activists say that in the years since the protests, they have been targeted in dangerous ways.

Cori Bush, a frequent leader of the Ferguson protests, said her car has been run off the road, her home has been vandalized, and in 2014 someone shot a bullet into her car, narrowly missing her daughter, who was 13 at the time.

Five of the men who died were black and in their 20s.

To be continued...


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