Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (437)

US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

ZeroHedge, May 31, 2019

In a huge development out of eastern Syria, where US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) share tense front lines with pro-Assad forces on the other side, the American coalition has reportedly attacked at least two Syrian government boats that were transporting oil across the Euphrates River to the government side.

The U.S. Coalition and the SDF both targeted the Syrian government boats with heavy machine gun fire in front of the town of Al-Shuhayl. Pro-SDF accounts later released photos showing smoke rising from one of the ferries that were targeted by their machine gun fire.

Kurdish media and SDF accounts, along with a number of Middle East analysts also confirmed the incident, which is reportedly the second such attack on government oil supplies in under a month. Turkish media also confirmed the attack, which according to early reports left four dead.

Washington has imposed a complete oil and fuel embargo on Syria, which Damascus' close ally Iran has recently sought to circumvent. The US is attempting to disrupt amid a broader campaign to economically starve the Assad government and further prevent its army from operating effectively.

Regional reports have noted that in past weeks the fuel crisis in Syria which had created miles-long lines at gas pumps across major cities found some relief due to a covert Iranian shipment of oil that arrived in the port city of Baniyas in early May.

The Wall Street Journal reported previously that Iranian oil had been routinely delivered to Syria throughout most of the war, but now "U.S. sanctions have cut off Iranian oil shipments to Syria, taking an unprecedented toll on a flow of crude that had persisted in the face of long-term international restrictions and helped sustain the Assad regime through years of civil war."

Damascus and Moscow had accused both the United States and Turkey of looking the other way while ISIS financed its expansion through the sale of stolen Syrian oil.

The White House fundamentally prioritizes weakening Syria as crucial in its ultimate long-term goal of regime change in Tehran.

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