Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (469)

The Skid Is Everywhere And The Worst Is Yet To Come

The Economic Collapse blog, June 10, 2019

All over America, large portions of our major cities are being transformed into stomach-churning cesspools of squalor.

Thousands of tens cities are popping up from coast to coast as the homeless population explodes. We are facing “the worst drug crisis in American history”; there were more than 28,000 official complaints about human feces in the streets of San Francisco last year alone; and millions of rats are currently overrunning the city of Los Angeles.

And yet the authorities continue to insist that the economy is in good shape and that everything is going to be just fine.

Perhaps everything may seem “just fine” if you live in a heavily sanitized wealthy suburban neighborhood and you only get your news from heavily sanitized corporate media sources, but in the real world things are getting really bad.

LZ Granderson described what life is like in Los Angeles right at this moment… “As a Los Angeles resident, I am among those who wonder what the mayor’s office is doing. When I lived downtown it was virtually impossible to walk a full block in any direction without seeing a homeless person. In Silver Lake where I live now, there are tent cities. On my drive to work I see people living underneath the highway overpasses. It’s no longer Skid Row here. The skid is everywhere.”

Of course that phrase, “the skid is everywhere”, could also apply to San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Memphis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Philadelphia and countless other U.S. cities.

But without a doubt, L.A. is particularly disgusting. Los Angeles has become a giant trash receptacle. A swath of Los Angeles has devolved into a wasteland with rats scurrying among piles of decaying garbage and squalid tent cities.

If things are this bad already in our major cities, what are those cities going to look like once we get deep into the next economic downturn?

There are already more working age Americans without a job than at any point during the last recession. But the government conveniently categorizes the vast majority of working age Americans without a job as “not in the labor force”, and so officially the unemployment rate is “very low” right now.

What a joke!

And we are seeing prices for copper, zinc and lumber decline precipitiously… Copper prices have fallen 6% in just the past month while zinc is down 8.5%. Copper and zinc are big components for many industrial and technology companies. Lumber prices are falling as well, plunging about 10% in the past month. The housing market — particularly new home construction — is weakening.

But most Americans continue to live in denial. Even though 59 percent of the population is living paycheck to paycheck, people continue to rack up debts as if there was no tomorrow. The average amount borrowed to buy a new vehicle hit a record $32,187 in the first quarter of this year. The average used-vehicle loan also hit a record, $20,137.

MostAmericans will find themselves ill-prepared to handle the very harsh economic environment that is ahead.

Перед нами - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».

Нынешние киевские власти — фашистские агенты американского империализма... Именно то, чего хотят Трамр/ США и в Венесуэле!


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