Situation Growing Worse With Every Passing Day": California Wildfire Sparks New Housing Crisis
ZeroHedge, Nov 17, 2018
As California fire officials continue to battle the state's deadliest blaze, a new crisis has emerged; tens of thousands of evacuees are now homeless and struggling to survive in freezing conditions with a storm expected to roll in on Wednesday. California officials estimated earlier in the week that 50,000 people had been evacuated from the fire-ravaged Paradise region, and over 1,000 are currently in sanctioned shelters.
Making things worse, norovirus has broken out in at least three evacuation shelters, requiring isolation tents to try and contain its spread.
The situation is growing worse with each passing day.
"This is on an order of magnitude beyond what we thought was one of the worst disaster recoveries we would be faced with," said Kelly Huston, deputy director of governor Jerry Brown's Office of Emergency Services.
After the Camp Fire erased most of the town of Paradise, destroying more than 9,800 residences, emergency services officials are dealing with what some say is an escalating humanitarian crisis with no quick solutions. Some evacuees will be able to return to unburned homes. Most, now hunkered in hotels, staying with family and friends, or stuck in evacuation centers or unauthorized camps, have no home to return to, and are left wondering where their future lies.
Many residents have turned to makeshift communities where sanitation and safety are top concerns. In particular, hundreds of evacuees have been squatting at a camp in a Walmart parking lot, a ramshackle village some inhabitants call Wallywood, a sardonic mash-up of their location and reduced circumstances.
As of Saturday morning, the death toll in the Camp Fire stood at 71, making it the deadliest fire in California state history. Meanwhile, over 1,000 people remain unaccounted for. The blaze is currently 55% contained and has scorched 148,000 acres.
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