Why only a tiny percentage of Americans benefit from Dow 25,000
Market Watch, Jan. 4, 2018
U.S. stocks have been on a tear, with major indices setting records for both strength and low downside. However, the benefits of all this to investors aren’t as broad-based as one may expect, meaning the advances in the market aren’t making a difference for most Americans.
According to Torsten Sløk, the chief international economist at Deutsche Bank Securities, the extreme levels of income inequality in the country mean that only a vanishingly small percentage of Americans are seeing much impact from the boom on Wall Street. Per his data, which is derived from DB Global Markets Research and the World Wealth and Income Database, the richest 0.1% of Americans owns as much as the entire bottom 90%, a trend that has been accelerating since the mid-1980s. The wealthiest 10% own nearly 90% of stocks, the highest such ratio since 1983.
As Deutsche Bank’s data show, the top 1% earn 22% of total income in the U.S., up from 8% in the 1970s. Wage inequality was cited as “a key driver” of overall inequality. However, capital gains, as opposed to salary, make up a bigger share of income for the wealthiest Americans.
Young Americans are particularly susceptible to this trend, and those under the age of 35 have seen their mean net worth—relative to the overall mean—shrink compared with other generations. Older Americans, above the age of 75, are among the only age categories to see their mean net worth get higher in 2016 than 2001.
America actually ranks among the worst countries when it comes to income inequality, based on its Gini coefficient, a measure of the wealth distribution of a country’s residents.
Last year, billionaire hedge-fund titan Ray Dalio said that “the greatest issue of our time is the disparity of wealth and the problems that exist for the lower 40% of the population.”
He added, “If you carve out that lower 40%, not only has there been no income growth, but death rates are rising because of opiate use, suicide, and because they’re losing jobs. This is the biggest issue of our time—the biggest economic issue, the biggest political issue, and the biggest social issue.”
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