Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

US income inequality
Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Scorching report on poverty finds ‘systematic attack on welfare program’ will leave millions deprived of food and healthcare

TheGuardian, June 1, 2018

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities. “This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty.”

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination.” If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.

The Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz told the Guardian: “This administration inherited a bad situation with inequality in the US and is now fanning the flames and worsening the situation. What is so disturbing is that Trump, rather than taking measures to ameliorate the problem, is taking measures to aggravate it.”

Top of the list of those measures was the $1.5tn tax cuts enacted by the Republicans last December that slashed corporate tax rates. “Can you believe a country where the life expectancy is already in decline, particularly among those whose income is limited, giving tax breaks to billionaires and corporations while leaving millions of Americans without health insurance?” Stiglitz said.

Middle-class Americans are not immune from the lash of such policies, as Trump’s assault bodes ill for society as a whole. The proposed slashing of social protection benefits will affect the middle classes every bit as much as the poor.

The Federal Reserve annual economic survey released last week underlines the large pool of people who are vulnerable to any further erosion of the safety net. It found that four out of 10 Americans are so hard up they could not cover an emergency expense of $400 without borrowing money or selling possessions.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation

Nate Solter (i.e., the FBI) offers me a prosperous life...

The initial attempts to “deal with” rebellious Arnold were aimed at creating “nice” obstacles to his revolutionary thinking and action. Medical school was an excellent option.

This is not the place to write an exhaustive treatise on medical care in the US – which is increasingly becoming a wholesale disaster for many tens of millions of Americans – in fact, a massive crime against the American people. Nonetheless, a few facts:

A decades-long system has been established in the US, which allows the pharmaceutical companies exclusive patent rights on medication and allows them to profit enormously at the expense of the health needs of the average person:

“Drug companies... either buy the rights to drugs developed by others and raise the prices many times over, as with Sovaldi, or to obtain a medication already in existence and, using monopolistic control, raise the price as much as 500% or more, as in the case of the EpiPen...

“Patent protection effectively grants the pharmaceutical industry a monopoly, regardless of the human consequences. For a patient with a particular disease and a single solution available in the form of a sole-source drug, allowing exorbitant pricing prevents access for individuals to the medication...

“The prohibition on importing drugs from other countries allows pharmaceutical companies to continue to discriminate on an economic basis against patients in the United States. The federal government is restricted from negotiating prices on behalf of U.S. citizens, unlike governments around the rest of the globe, thus guaranteeing Americans will pay more...” (Why Patent Protection In The Drug Industry Is Out Of Control, Forbes Jan. 19, 2017)

The drug industry and the US government likewise have made the MD (doctor of medicine) profession a highly restricted and thus privileged profession. To maintain this rapacious system, the number of accredited doctors is kept artificially low; since medical care is an essential service, its cost is extraordinarily high. (None of this is reported, naturally, by the CIA-controlled mass media in Russia. Likewise, Americans are never informed that medical care, if no longer absolutely free under Russian capitalism, is far, far less expensive than in the US and is readily available to the average citizen.)

“The U.S. is famous for over-spending on health care. The nation spent 17.8 percent of its GDP on health care in 2016... Per capita, the U.S. spends $9,403 a year... In the U.S., they point out, drugs are more expensive. Doctors get paid more. Hospital services and diagnostic tests cost more... the U.S. spent $1,443 per capita on pharmaceuticals. (Here's the real reason health care costs so much more in the US, CNBC Mar. 22, 2018)

“Americans use the doctor less than people in other countries. We still pay more for health care... The United States is routinely the most expensive place to buy medical care... Americans spend more for health care largely because of the prices.” (America’s health care prices are out of control, VOX May 10, 2018)

“The average hospital stay in the US costs just over $10,700, based on an analysis of recent data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).” (Business Insider, March 1, 2018)

Medical doctors in the US are a privileged category: “On average, physicians in the US work 55 hours each week and earn a salary of $270,000” (Physicians in the United States, Wikipedia). Which is about 6 times the average US salary (Average Salary Information for US Workers, The Balance Careers, July 13, 2018)

And then there is the enormous cost of health insurance: “A family of four will pay an average of $28,166 in 2018, an increase of $1,222 from 2017. The estimate includes the average cost of health insurance paid by employers and employees, as well as deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses... employees will pay about 44 percent of their healthcare costs.” (Becker's Hospital CFO Report, June 4, 2018). That is, for the family fortunate to have someone working!

In Russia, health insurance is free.


The privileged status of physicians in the US lends itself to utilizationation by the secret political police for manipulating access to this profession. In so doing, the FBI etc. provide a well-paying occupation for some of their stooges and guarantee that this, as other middle-level rungs in society, is peopled by “reliable” accomplices and “defenders of the American way of life.”

I have described a concrete example of this process:

“Students who were selected to do the drudge work in the (Stehlin) Foundation (where I worked while in Houston, Texas) were themselves committed to the US political police. While I was there, about 10 of these students applied for medical school. Acceptance into medical school was very difficult and desirable, as physicians were generally able to obtain high incomes; in Texas, about one in ten applicants was accepted into medical school. All of Stehlin's students, however, got in! An event, if it occurred spontaneously was equivalent to one chance in ten to the tenth power, or one chance in ten billion. Obviously, there was nothing spontaneous about this “selection” process. The committed FBI stooges were given their stepping stone to potentially lucrative careers.” (Dictatorship USA – Part 9)


A different objective was pursued in my case.

Nate Solter solemnly assured me that he, as a faculty member at The School of Medicine at University of California-San Francisco, could assure my admission to hallowed medical school.

The goal: to make me an ensured benefactor of “American prosperity) and thereby divest me of revolutionary ideas. Other than that, medical school training in the US was/is especially onerous and requires full-time devotion; for four years at least, I would simply have had no time for political activity. Internship and residency after med school graduation and then possible specialty training would continue to take have taken me out of whatever “movement” there is in America.

A good FBI plan, and I am sure that with “Nate's” help I would have been accepted at the UC San Francisco School of Medicine.

I declined, not because I understood the nasty intentions at the time, but because I was not cut out to be a medical doctor – as much as I respect the profession. I much preferred becoming a scientific researcher, which is the course I embarked on.

Nate and Becky are gone: “Nathan Solter, MD died on December 25, 2006 at age 96 after a brief illness and a long and productive life. After serving in the army during WW II, he practiced medicine in SF for 35 years, then retired to his beloved country home in the redwoods. Nathan and his wife Rebecca were married for over 50 years before her death. They had four children...” (San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 14, 2007)

Their younger daughter also died a few years ago. As far as I am aware, she did not attempt to harm me. The older daughter Linda, however, played a dirty FBI-sponsored trick on me, which is too inconsequential to elaborate on here. “Dr. Linda (Solter) Lynn is a psychiatrist in Santa Barbara, California. She received her medical degree from University of California San Francisco School of Medicine...” (health.usnews.com/doctors/linda-lynn)

Son Dr. Steven Solter, now living in Occidental, California, for 30 years worked for the US government - “with funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)” (Long-term Perspectives: Improving Health in Afghanistan, Management Systems for Health, June 6, 2011) – in Afghanistan and other “Third World” country targets for predatory and murderous US imperialism. Such “health” activities naturally are closely linked to the vicious US “intelligence community.”


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Record 95.9 Million Americans Are No Longer In The Labor Force
ZeroHedge, June 1, 2018

For all the talk that the slack in the labor force is set to decline, precisely the opposite is taking place, because in May, the number of people not in the labor force increased by another 170K, rising to 95.915 million, a new all time high.

Adding to this the 6.1 million currently unemployed Americans, there are 102 million Americans who are either unemployed or out of the labor force (and it is also worth noting that of those employed 26.9 million are part-time workers).

In other words, contrary to prevailing economist groupthink, there is a lot of slack in the economy.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation

Singing anyone?...

One day quite by accident, a fellow Richmond Hi graduate attending Cal suggested I join the university glee club. Why not? I had participated in the high school glee club, could read music and thought it might be a good opportunity to be part of campus life.

I was accepted, but it was little to no fun. The director Bob Commanday (“Robert Paul Commanday... spent the 1950s at UC Berkeley, earning a master’s in musicology, teaching and leading the Glee Club and Treble Clef.” SFGate, Sept. 5, 2015) was not at all friendly, nor were the glee club members. Why? I had not offended anyone, could hold my part... Anti-semitism maybe, I thought.

Nope. The FBI had informed all the members of the Glee Club about my politics and urged a policy of shunning. I left the Glee Club after about a year.

Leo's sabotage at the “Cow Wow”...

In the mid-1950s, Mom used her background in the restaurant trade to open up the “Cow Wow,” a deluxe hamburger and bakery business in Richmond. It was going so well that Mom expanded with an outlet in the nearby El Cerrito: “EL CERRITO PLAZA TENANTS 1969: CAPWELL'S (with Kirby's Restaurant & Lounge and freestanding Tire Center) / F.W. WOOLWORTH (with luncheonette) / LONGS DRUGS (with luncheonette) / LUCKY STORES supermarket/ Cow Wow Bakery...” (MALL HALL OF FAME)

Leo pleaded with her to allow him to share in the business and took over the Plaza operation. On FBI orders, Leo promptly yelled at customers to drive them out, kept the place slovenly and distorted the pricing either up or down... Finally Mom kicked Leo out of the “Cow Wow” before his damage was utterly ruinous.


Activism kicks up its heels and the US secret political police move to head off real danger...

With the US Senate censure of Joseph McCarthy in December, 1954, the most extreme phase of postwar red-baiting and political repression (McCarthyism) was partially lifted in America.

“… a story that vividly measured how deeply the fear generated by the anti-communist crusade of U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his minions had permeated the American soul.

“(The CapTimes reporter) found that 111 Madison (Wisconsin) residents were too scared to sign the (US) Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights on the Fourth of July... Of the 112 people he talked to that day at Madison's Fourth of July celebration in Vilas Park, only one, a Madison insurance agent, agreed to sign the "petition." (50 years ago, fear ruled Fourth: Reporter's petition measured effect of McCarthy, The Cap Times, July 4, 2001)

With McCarthy gone, fear was not quite as all-encompassing as before. Then the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott initiated a new round of progressive struggle in the US.

“The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil-rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating. The boycott took place from December 5, 1955, to December 20, 1956, and is regarded as the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against segregation. Four days before the boycott began, Rosa Parks, an African-American woman, was arrested and fined for refusing to yield her bus seat to a white man. The U.S. Supreme Court ultimately ordered Montgomery to integrate its bus system, and one of the leaders of the boycott, a young pastor named Martin Luther King, Jr., emerged as a prominent leader of the American civil rights movement.” (history.com)

The victory in Montgomery demonstrated that mass progressive struggle could achieve some, if only limited, success. An impetus to further struggle.


The United States secret political police had to act, and as they characteristically do, preemptively.

In a previous post, I explained the rationale “Why Would The US Secret Political Police Set Up An 'Opposition'”? (Dictatorship USA – Part 9АA)

“At first glance, it might seem counter-productive, even absurd for the US government and its secret political police to spend whopping funds and devote enormous energy to sponsor and promote organizations and movements opposed to US policies, even opposed to the US political-economic system itself.

“Not at all 'absurd'... the promotion of a vast and variegated fake internal 'opposition' is entirely appropriate and in fact vital for the dominant ruling class.

“Genuine popular opposition to imperialist policies can and often does arise spontaneously in response to poverty, racism, exploitation, unjust wars, police brutality, official lies, etc. If the ruling class did nothing or, acting through its repressive organs, only overtly oppressed and jailed or killed activists, the class enemy and its dictatorship-state would become fully exposed. Genuine movements for progressive and eventually revolutionary change could become massive. Moreover, with the growth of genuine mass movements, progressive and genuine revolutionary ideology could develop with striking force.

“It is far, far, far better for the reactionary US (and not only the US!) ruling class to organize a manifold variety of fake movements which the secret political police entirely control. A great deal of noise and “furor” can be generated, but nothing permanent or meaningful develops. And the “movements” can be turned off when needed.

“Such massive fakery also serves to entrap unsuspecting honest activists, who find themselves not among comrades-in-struggle, but among disguised enemy... Moreover, a plethora of false 'peoples' or 'progressive' or 'communist' organizations and movements give the abjectly phony perception of the United States of America as a 'democracy.'”

Thus, the FBI gave birth on the UC Berkeley campus to:

“SLATE, a pioneer organization of the New Left and precursor of the Free Speech Movement and formative counterculture era, was a campus political party at the University of California, Berkeley from 1958 to 1966...

“SLATE took positions on a number of controversial public issues that emerged in its first years. It supported a Berkeley fair housing ordinance in 1959, opposed the hearings conducted by the House SUn-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in San Francisco in May 1960, supported the national Woolworth-Kress boycott called by civil rights organizations, opposed the execution of Caryl Chessman at San Quentin, and opposed continued nuclear weapon testing. SLATE also continued its advocacy for on-campus issues, including an end to compulsory ROTC, elimination of the Communist speaker ban, academic freedom, the rights of student organizations... “ (SLATE. Wikipedia)

I tried to become active in SLATE, but was rebuffed whenever I tried. There was no place for honest activists in this “movement.”

The real, reactionary essence of SLATE is evident in the later history of its “leaders:” “David Armor, SLATE's only student body president, made an unsuccessful run for a Los Angeles Congressional district in 1982 as a Reagan Republican, and Rick White found his neoconservative views treated respectfully... Jackie Goldberg served on the Los Angeles school board and city council and in the California Assembly, and Bill Lockyer for 25 years was in the California State Legislature, and would go on to serve as Attorney General of California...” (SLATE, Wikipedia)

Onetime “left-wing radicals” all – FBI version.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Mapping The Tsunami Of Suicides Across America
ZeroHedge, May 26, 2018

Since the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), a tsunami of suicides has swept across America, making it the tenth leading cause of death, and in 2015, accounted for more than 44,000 deaths.

The ‘County-Level Trends in Suicide Rates in the U.S., 2005–2015‘ report, issued by a team of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used county-level changes in suicide rates to examine geographic trends and identify urban-rural patterns in these type of deaths from 2005 to 2015.

The report, shows a never before seen explosion in suicide rates at the county level during the period. Researchers said suicide rates increased by more than 10 percent from 2005 to 2015 for 99 percent of the counties across the nation, with a shocking 87 percent of counties registering increases of more than 20 percent.

For this study, statistical modeling methods to infer suicide rates for smaller counties, along with 50 sources of data helped to develop the most accurate estimate of suicides, to date.

Suicide is now the 10th leading cause of death in the nation. The research presents an unprecedented view of the implosion of America.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation

On to the university...

At Richmond (California) Union High School, I found virtually no one interested in discussing philosophy, ideology, politics, the state of the world... Upon entering the University of California, I had expected life in these respects to become much more interesting.

During my first two or so (out of a total of four) years at UC, I found little of anything resembling interest in even progressive politics. Students by and large were simply “grubbing it” - going about their studies to gain a better foothold in life. “To Hell with others and their problems.”

For the first year and a half, I lived at home, commuting in my rather beat-up car the approximately
30 minute drive from Richmond to Berkeley. I thought I was missing out on campus life, so in the spring of 1958 I lived for one semester at a large shabby student co-op (named, as I recall, University Co-op, which apparently is no longer around), located across the street from the western edge of the campus. I paid something like $50 a month for room and board (plus 5 hours a week chores). Compare that cost with current expenses for room and board (see previous post)!

For the fall of the next year (1958) I applied to be accepted at “Ridge House, a converted mansion affiliated with the Berkeley Student cooperative. The House houses 38 university students. Located at 2420 Ridge Road, one block North of the UC Berkeley Campus...” (Berkeley Student Cooperative, Wikipedia)

Ridge House was considered to be the elite co-op for male students (it is now co-ed) and was highly sought after. I was surprised that my application was accepted, but now I know why. I was definitely on the FBI's active list (mind you, up to that point I had not actually engaged in any political activity!); and to better keep tabs on me, the US Gestapo demanded that I be given a bed at Ridge, which had far fewer residents than any of the other male co-ops at UC. I had absolutely no idea at the time, but I later understood that every one of the other roomers at Ridge was personally informed by the FBI of my left-wing political views and ordered to report anything “interesting” that I might say or do. Thus in this case, it was FBI economy of (small) scale that functioned: easier for the government rats to keep track of me where I interacted with a small, defined group of people rather than a large amorphous lot.

For the last year and a half of my stay at Ridge House and at UC, my big buddy was my roommate Bill Smith. My apparent faithfull companion was a self-proclaimed “liberal Catholic,” who did not necessarily agree with my socialist-communist views but who “sure respected” them. William Charles Smith, Jr. (or maybe III) thought that just about everything I did was great. Folk-singing was hot at the time, and I had taught myself to play the guitar and learn some songs; Bill thought my singing was wonderful (it wasn't). My jokes were always funny, and my conversation was forever stimulating. Bill once arranged a date for me; he accompanied me to a miniature golf course; once we camped out together for 3 days at Clear Lake (“a natural freshwater lake in Lake County in the U.S. state of California, north of Napa County and San Francisco. It is the largest natural freshwater lake wholly within the state...” [Clear Lake (California), Wikipedia)

Bill Smith and I were buddies.

Watch out for flattery, I later learned! The American secret political police have many devices for their stooges to ingratiate themselves with the target individual. Bill's “liking” for me was sheer bullshit. At the time, it did not even bother me that he was in a criminology course at UC. He was studying to be a big-time cop, a police helpmate. Bill was the enemy's man, and I did not even take notice.

But I learned. Eventually.

All for ping pong...

What a great find! Several Richmond Hi students had entered UC Berkeley with me. Among them was my “best” long-time Richmond friend, Doug Walther; and my high school debate partner Norm Emrich (we together had won second place in the northern California debate championship); another debating buddy David Dansky (now known as a toy train enthusiast); and Jennette Monday, soon to become Mrs. Walther.

One of the guys somehow “found” a comfortable, strangely abandoned large room in one of the campus' so-called “temporary buildings” (which were far more than a decade old) across the street from the main campus library. Convenient. And what was more, the room had a fine ping pong table, net, paddles, balls and all. I enjoyed the sport and was fairly good at it.

The capacious ping pong room became our marvelous hideout from the busy and noisy world outside. No one else entered, no one bothered us or inquired what the hell we were doing there or yelled at us to leave – fantastic . Notwithstanding that you don't just appropriate premises at a major university and make them your own. No way!

Unless the US secret political police so order the university administration.

And virtually every weekday at lunchtime we would gather together, play ping pong either in singles or doubles, enjoy our sandwiches and chat. I knew that all of them had right-of-center, rather conservative political views, and my school “pals” did not themselves bring up politics. Since I already knew their opinions from Richmond days, I only now and then opined something political. The atmosphere was pleasurable and relaxed. Better for target Arnold to open up and speak his mind freely. These were my high school friends, so “no worry.”

“Up- to-date knowledge about the target is vital for aggressively waging psychological warfare... Good intelligence is required '... to get inside the other fellow's skin, feel his feelings and think his thoughts'
(A Psychological Warfare Casebook, Wm. E. Daugherty and Morris Janowicz, 1958, p. 425)... The FBI also tried to ascertain our opinions and reactions through conversations with 'friends,' neighbors and co-workers. Every aspect of our lives was observed from various vantage points. If something was missed by one FBI source, another would be available.” (Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States – arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com, p.80-81)

The cool ping pong room was an ideal place to give my FBI-directed “buddies” repeated opportunities to assess my mood, learn of my plans; maybe I would say something political.

And of course the room was bugged, so that my conversations and musings would be recorded and studied by FBI psych warfare experts.

As Janis Joplin sang it, “Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.” That is “freedom” US imperialist style.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

On to the university...

In the fall of 1958, 17-year old Arnold with good grades in high school, entered the University of California Berkeley. Officially, the education was free – no tuition. Students were required, however, to pay an “incidental fee,” which I recall being $42 a semester, or $84 for the entire academic year. The expenditure was worth it, as students were thereby entitled to library privileges, to reduced or no fee for campus athletic and entertainment events, to the student newspaper and most importantly, to free medical care (with a hospital on campus!).

Now, years later, capitalist reality has hit home, and hit hard, to students and their families:

“Undergraduate Student Budgets 2018-19

Academic Year 2018-19

Direct Costs Charged by UC Berkeley

Tuition and Fees

Room and Board

Total Direct Costs

These are the costs for students residing in the state of California. For non-resident students, tuition is considerably higher: The 2018 undergraduate tuition & fees of University of California-Berkeley are $42,184 for out of State students.

Optional Student Health Insurance Plan add $2,994.” (Cost of Attendance | Financial Aid and Scholarships | UC Berkeley)

In state California students should consider themselves likely. If they wanted to go to prestigious Harvard University: “The total 2018-2019 cost of attending Harvard College without financial aid is $46,340 for tuition and $67,580 for tuition, room, board, and fees combined.” (Harvard at a Glance, Harvard University)

And nearby (about 60 minutes by auto from Berkeley) is even worse: “For academic year 2017-2018, undergraduate tuition & fees at Stanford University is $49,617.” (2018 Costs of Attendance | Stanford University - College Tuition)

Such fees are totally out of reach for many, many tens of millions of Americans. No higher education for them!

Others borrow, borrow and borrow to get a university education: “Approximately 43 million have student loans, with an average balance of $30,000. In 2017, average student loan debt reached $39, 400, an increase of 6% compared to 2016. Americans owe more than $1.48 trillion (44 million borrowers) which is roughly $620 billion more than the overall credit card debt in the country.” (Student loans in the United States – Wikipedia)

“America’s daunting student debt crisis is about to get even worse” (Quartz, Jan. 29, 2018)

“America’s pile of student loan debt is near-incomprehensible in size.

“What’s going on? The rise of for-profit colleges, many of which have been publicly accused of deceiving students into debt, is one leading cause...

“Another cause is simply record-high tuition figures that colleges across the country—for-profit, public, and private—charge for an education these days. It is now common for a bachelor’s degree to cost upwards of $200,000. With a college degree a near necessity for getting a foothold in the workforce, Americans have little choice but grin and bear it, and many are falling into debt as a result.”


These are the sort of facts about real life in the USA that are consistently hidden by the CIA-controlled mass media in Russia.


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

50 million American households can’t even afford basic living expenses
Market Watch, June 9, 2018

As income stagnates, millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

Some 50.8 million households or 43% of households can’t afford a basic monthly budget for housing, food, transportation, child care, health care and a monthly smartphone bill, according to an analysis of U.S. government data released this month by the United Way Alice Project.

The project uses standardized measurements to calculate the “bare bones” household budget in each county in each state. It maintains that the federal poverty level — currently $25,100 for a family of four — doesn’t accurately illustrate the number of people living in poverty.

“For too long, the magnitude of financial instability in this country has been understated and obscured by misleading averages and outdated poverty calculations,” said John Franklin, chief executive of the United Way Alice Project. “It is morally unacceptable and economically unsustainable for our country to have so many hardworking families living paycheck to paycheck.”

“Alice” stands for “asset low, income constrained, employed.” Alice workers are the forgotten people: Child care workers, home health aides and retail workers in low-paying jobs have difficulty saving money and are one paycheck away from the street.

In 2017, 44% of people in the U.S. said they could not cover an unexpected $400 emergency expense or would rely on borrowing or selling something to do so, according to a separate report released last year by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The government’s 2018 federal poverty level income numbers are used to calculate eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Those levels currently range from $12,140 for individuals to $42,380 for a family of eight. But some cities and suburbs — from New York to San Francisco — are far more expensive to live in.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation

Towards Marxist-Leninist theory...

As strange as it may seem, my first impulses for socialist-communist thinking came from my father.

Aiming principally to provoke my mother, Leo spouted duplicitous “support” for the Soviet Union and socialism and phony criticism of United States policy, especially foreign policy. To put my mother on the defensive and embarrass her, Leo was instructed to rant on especially when guests came to our home.

As a young boy and then teenager, I had no idea that all of Leo's political trumpeting was phony and had a nasty purpose. I began to take seriously the concepts he lamely professed, and I became determined to pursue matters further.

My decided acceptance of Marxist-Leninist ideology came with a discovery in our attic. It was in the early 1950s, the heart of the vicious McCarthyite anti-communist campaign pervading the US at the time. In “free” America, my mother had taken the understandable precaution of hiding all literature of a Marxist orientation, so that no one would accuse the family of “subversive” leanings.

Quite accidentally, I discovered the carton in which the books were stores, and avidly began to read. I was only about 14 years old, but these Marxist books held a fascination for me.

By far the most revealing and personally important was “A Textbook of Dialectical Materialism” by the British communist David Gest, who was killed at age 27 in Spain as a member of the British Battalion of the International Brigades, fighting against fascism in Spain *.

Gest's book was one of two that largely shaped my life. Here was a clearly and concisely written exposition of Marxist-Leninist philosophy that directed me to my further political strivings.


At my tender young age, I had no idea that the United States was a police state dictatorship and that my mother was also a victim. With FBI-stooge Leo and a host of other finks in and around her life, her progressive thinking was very well known to the US Gestapo.

For my part, I saw no reason to hide my interest and growing convictions, so I too became fair game. Leo was instructed to see how far my political-ideological leanings went, so he continued to spout fake “communist” positions and now and then even drove me to the “communist” book in San Francisco (named the “International Bookstore.” as I remember). However, at the time I had no idea or even inclination to engage in practical political activity. I had my school studies and rather serious piano training **. Moreover, the harsh pall of McCarthyism hanging over the country made actual movement involvement nearly impossible.

Naturally, the Solters and other FBI-interlopers in our life quickly also became aware of my leftist thoughts. In any case, how could I even begin to suspect my own father and my mother's best friends as being FBI stooges? More on Nate's efforts later.


* “David Guest was the son of Leslie Haden-Guest, 1st Baron Haden-Guest.

“In 1938 he left his post as a lecturer at University College in Southampton to volunteer for the International Brigades fighting in Spain.
“Guest arrived in Spain on 31 March 1938 and joined the British Battalion of the International Brigades. The Battalion went into action at the Battle of the Ebro which began on 25 July 1938. Three days later, on 28 July 1938, David Guest was killed on Hill 481 at Gandesa by a sniper as he read a newspaper.
“After his death, notes he had made while lecturing at the Marx Memorial Workers' School were published as A Text Book of Dialectical Materialism in 1939.” (David Guest (communist). Wikipedia)

** I won a $500 Pacific Music Club scholarship and at a youth concert in 1956, I performed the Tchaikovsky (Чайковский) - piano concerto (first movement) with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Trump sells regulatory favors to his donors

Corruption replacing competition at the heart of our economy

MarketWatch, June 20, 2018

President Donald Trump recently directed Secretary of Energy Rick Perry to prepare steps to subsidize coal and nuclear power plants, which are struggling to compete against cheaper, cleaner alternatives. This directive would bail out some of his largest donors while increasing energy costs for millions of Americans, showing once again the grift and graft ethos at the center of his economic policy.

Coal barons Bob Murray and Joseph Craft, who have strongly pushed the bailout, have given Trump and Trump-aligned groups millions of dollars. FirstEnergy Solutions, another company that would benefit, paid Perry’s former campaign manager Jeff Miller more than $300,000 to lobby Perry for the bailout. Miller is also a major fundraiser for a Trump Super PAC, which got him access to Trump at an exclusive donor dinner; and the day after the dinner, Trump signaled his support for the coal baron bailout.

Sadly, backroom deals with political donors have become the norm for the Trump administration. Rather than a focus on improving economic growth or creating good-paying jobs, Trump and his allies focus on helping friends, punishing enemies, and leaving everyone else with the bill. Trump’s culture of corruption leads to a system that rewards payoffs and cronyism, not innovation and excellence. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Trump and his allies promised a tax plan focused on closing loopholes and helping the middle-class. Instead, the donor-driven tax cut shifted massive amounts of money to the wealthiest Americans and large corporations, while creating scores of new special-interest loopholes. .

And now that they’ve provided these huge giveaways, Republicans are looking to pay for it with cuts to programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Regulatory changes have been used to carve out special favors for politically connected corporations and donors, while hurting American families. It’s proven a breeding ground for graft and corruption.

Corruption in our politics has been a serious issue for some time, but Trump has made the problem that much worse with his singular focus on abusing government’s power to help his friends and hurt his enemies, all without caring about the effects of his actions on the broader public.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation — 2018

The Solters...

Dr. Nathan and Rebecca (Nate and Becky to us) Solter became my mother's closest friends. In fact, the Lockshin family's closest friends.

How did that come about?

The story was that my father, taking pity on a young, poor medical student and his Russian-born wife, periodically dropped off free bottles of milk, butter etc. for them while performing his Borden's truck-driving route in the mid-1930s.

An unlikely story aimed to insinuate the Solters into my mother's life. By the US Gestapo.

Here the ethnic question takes hold – a favorite practice of the US secret political police. Nate was American born, but of a Russian-Jewish family, and Becky, also Jewish, was an emigree from the Soviet Union, which she utterly detested. Apparently, her family in the USSR included fairly wealthy landowners whose land probably had been confiscated during the Soviet collectivization drive in the late 1920s. Becky, of course, was fluent in her native Russian language; as was my mother.

The Solters, with four children, were fairly constant companions for the Lockshin family. We went on outings together, including a joint vacation to Yosemite Park. We visited and ate at eachother's houses. My mother regularly was on the phone with Becky for long personal conversations. After obtaining his M.D., Nate attended to our family's medical needs, refusing to accept any money for his valuable services.

The two couples would often discuss, or better put, argue about politics, as Nate and Becky, while describing themselves as more-or-less liberal, were vehemently anti-communist.

When I, as a teenager, began to express left-wing sentiments, the “interest” of the Solters in me increased noticeably. More on this to come.

Leo and the Solters were not the only secret police stooges assigned to keep track of my mother. Among the others were Leon and Bertha Gutgeld (spelling?), a couple approximately my parents' ages.
I remember yet some others, who were occasional intruders into Mom's private thoughts. There is little reason to list their names or to detail the circumstances of their prying and ploys.

There undoubtedly were additional secret police-charged interlocutors attending to my mother; their
“inquisitiveness” may have occurred in my absence, or about whom I have forgotten or missed the significance. What we know for certain is that the US Gestapo strives to obtain its “intelligence” from many varied sources while disgusing its devices with a smorgasbord of pretexts and opportunities.

What I learned politically (mainly after the fact) from my mother's life and experiences is that she was surrounded on many, many sides by the United States Gestapo - the vicious, murderous and all-intrusive US lie, spy, criminal, provocation, subversion and regime change, terror, drug-runnning, torture, war and mass murder apparatus. She suffered as a result.

Eventually understanding Mom's fate played an important role in my being able to survive the even greater assaults that awaited me later in life.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Farmers in America are facing an economic and mental health crisis
CBS MoneyWatch, June 29, 2018

"Think about trying to live today on the income you had 15 years ago." That's how agriculture expert Chris Hurt describes the plight facing U.S. farmers today.

The unequal economy that's emerged over the past decade, combined with erratic weather and patchy access to health care in rural areas, have had a severe impact on the people growing America's food. Since 2013, farm income has been dropping steadily, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This year, the average farm's income is projected to be 35 percent below its 2013 level.

Longtime farm advocates see parallels between today's situation and the farm crisis of the 1980s, when many U.S. farmers struggled economically. "The farm crisis was so bad, there was a terrible outbreak of suicide and depression," said Jennifer Fahy, communications director with Farm Aid, a group founded in 1985 that advocates for farmers. Today, she said, "I think it's actually worse."

Suicide is much more prevalent in rural areas than in urban ones. Between 1990 and 2016, suicide increased in almost every state, with the largest increases in Western states. The link between farm failures and suicide has been demonstrated outside the U.S., in places like India, where tens of thousands of farmers have died by suicide in recent years.

"We're hearing from farmers on our hotline that farmer stress is extremely high," Fahy said.

Farmers are also at the mercy of elements outside their direct control, from extreme weather events that threaten crops to commodity prices that offer less for farm goods than it costs to produce them.

As America's trading partners slap tariffs on U.S. crops, those prices are set to be further undermined. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve's gradual raising of interest rates threatens the financing for many smaller farms.

Unreliable finances are a major reason why three-quarters of farmers must rely on non-farm income, often from a second job. Health insurance access is another.

Health care and mental health services can be critical, Knudson said, particularly in rural areas, where medical care may be scarce. Many publicly funded programs that were created in the wake of the 1980s farm crisis have been chipped away over the years. She pointed to Minnesota, where a suicide hotline closed earlier this month after a budget dispute between the legislature and the governor.

"Farmer stress right now is extremely high, the farm economy is very precarious and not predicted to improve in the near future," she said.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation — 2018

The Defense Diner...

World War II was a boom time domestically for the United States of America. Vast expenditures on the military had eliminated most vestiges of the Great Depression and the economy was running on all cylinders.

It was also a boom time for the Lockshin family. We moved to nearby Richmond, about 40 minutes away from San Francisco by car, which was the location of the huge Kaiser Shipyards:

“The four Richmond Shipyards, located in the city of Richmond, California, United States, were run by Permanente Metals and part of the Kaiser Shipyards. During World War II, Richmond built more ships than any other shipyard, turning out as many as three ships in a single day.” (Richmond Shipyards, Wikipedia)

“World War II and the Shipyards (1940-1945): By far the most dramatic and earth-shaking era in Richmond's history. World War II began, and the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, one of the biggest wartime shipbuilding operations on the West Coast, sprang up on Richmond's South Shoreline in January 1941. The result was explosive growth, large scale in-migration of workers, a "boomtown" atmosphere, and profound long-term effects on the City. The shipyards covered much of the vacant industrial land in the South Shoreline harbor area, requiring extensive additional tideland filling. Richmond's population increased dramatically from 23,600 in 1940 to over 93,700 in 1943 as tens of thousands of new residents, White and Black, migrated from the economically depressed South and Southwest to work in the shipyards. Much of the new population was housed in temporary structures. Dormitories, demountable houses, and apartment buildings were built; more than 60,000 persons lived in public housing. Many "temporary" housing units remain today.” (History of Richmond | Richmond, CA - Official Website)


At this time, neither of my parents had had any experience in the restaurant business. Yet, somehow Leo managed to open up a cut-rate, but nonetheless very lucrative restaurant – the Defense Diner – right across the street from the massive Richmond Shipyards, with their many, many thousands of hungry workers:

“Defense Diner, 501 Cutting. In May 1942 Leo and Mary Lockshin moved a railroad dining car onto a foundation at 501 Cutting and opened a diner just north of Richmond Shipyard No. 1. By October of that year, they had expanded the restaurant, presumably due to high demand for their food services. A 1945 building permit describes a 'small lunch counter facing the street.'” (MAPPING RICHMOND’S WORLD WAR II HOME FRONT)

I remember the constant lines of workers coming off work and getting their food. The Defense Diner was open for many hours a day, possibly round the clock. During the war, I almost never saw my father and rarely spent time with Mom. They were constantly busy. My sister and I were taken care of by my grandmother during this period.

My parent's good fortune was in fact a gift of the US secret political police. By then, Leo was fairly fluent in English, but nonetheless spoke with a heavy Russian accent. As such, he would hardly be suspected of being a secret police plant, on the lookout for putative subversives who might blurt out their intentions of sabotaging operations at the Shipyards.

The Defense Diner was run as an openly interracial operation, which was of value in deterring conflicts that might occur. Most of the shipyard workers were from the US South, where racism and strict racial segregation were the norm (the US South had been the heartland of slavery). In contrast, official segregation was not the law in California. For the US ruling class, while racism in general is fine, even desirable, outbreaks of racial conflict in the Shipyards could have had a marked deleterious effect on the all-important war production efforts.

Leo had his tasks cut out for him. In return, the FBI was providing him with a sure-thing, lucrative business as a reward. No more driving milk trucks for Leo Lockshin.

The Defense Diner was in line with the US secret political police setting up a vast array of businesses and institutions, large and small, to help do their work for them.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Learning about the system...

What ensues in this and following posts is not necessarily – or even not usually – what I understood about events at the time they were happening.

Throughout my young life, and even well beyond, I was, generally speaking, as naive as anyone. I did not know many things which are completely clear now; in my younger life, I did not consider as even possible the utter treachery - personal as well as political - that was/is in fact commonplace!

Take the demise of the Soviet Union, for instance. When I arrived in Moscow in October, 1986 at age 47, I did not even consider the possibility that the Soviet Communist Party and Government were totally in the hands of filthy CIA-run traitors such as М.С.Горбачев. Initially, such a situation was for me unthinkable. But the vast experience I had accumulated in the US allowed me to grasp reality rather quickly (not immediately, of course) and prepare myself for what was certain to come – the wretched demise of the Soviet Union.

Even with that understanding, I was then put personally (not to speak of politically!) in a very difficult, some would say untenuous, position: a refugee from the once-criticized US (in Soviet times) to an outcast who had dared to oppose and chose to flee that “magnificent,” “free,” “democratic” American nation which strived only to “embrace” and “uplift” “downtrodden” Soviet cousins who had had to “endure” “terrible, terrible communism” for so many years. Or so the rampant ruthlessly pro-imperialist “perestroika” and post-perestroika propaganda went. Which many in the USSR believed, or at least wanted to believe.


Let us go back to the year 1930, when my very young (only 17) mother and Leo were married. My biological “sister” Dorothy was the first child, born in March, 1932.

The US secret political police provided my father with a relatively well-paying job, a delivery man for the Borden's milk company. This was the time of the Great Depression in the US, with many millions and millions of unemployed; obtaining a steady, decent paying job was no small thing for a young immigrant who was only in the process of learning how to speak English.

Leo was totally in the fold of the US secret political police; the “services” he had performed for them in Harbin had to be continued in San Francisco. Why else bring him to the US? Leo became a (fake) Teamsters' Union activist, challenging the admittedly corrupt trade union leadership and - not yet a US citizen – joined the Communist Party, which he did not attempt to hide. The latter seemed to be totally foolhardy, as ostensibly he could have been deported from the America as an unwanted alien. Not foolhardy at all, of course, as all this was on the orders of the US secret political police, presumably the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).

In later years, and no doubt in the 1930s before I was born (in 1939), Leo with his booming bass voice openly and vociferously defended “communism” and the Soviet Union – even during the viciously anti-communist, red-baiting McCarthyite years of the 1950s. For immigrant Leo (and left-wing immigrants were being deported from the US), no problem.

But the former Harbin operative had another task: to track, spy on, provoke my mother. Who was, after all, his wife – notwithstanding Leo's numerous encounters with other bedded-down women - and the mother of his children. No qualms. No problem.


My wonderful mother was a progressive and kind person, who hated fascism and admired the USSR and its successes in building socialism. She decried lynchings and persecution and nazism. But Mom was not a revolutionary. She also saw considerable good in US President Franklin Roosevelt. Mom did not see it as her business to become actively involved in developing a revolutionary movement in the US (which, in fact, was hardly possible). She did not, to my knowledge, join picket lines or participate in demonstrations. She was just a progressive and kind, warm, loving person, who did not automatically accept all the dogma of “wonderful” American “democracy.”

But simply being an honest progressive-thinking person in “The Land of the Free” is more than enough for the US Gestapo to sic its dogs on that individual. And that was my father's task.

But not only his.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

US Spending On Interest Hits All Time High As Budget Deficit Soars To $684 Billion

ZeroHedge, Aug. 10, 2018

The US' spending problem is starting to become a major issue.
According to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement, in June, the US collected $225BN in tax receipts - consisting of $110BN in individual income tax, $91BN in social security and payroll tax, $4BN in corporate tax and $20BN in other taxes and duties- a drop of 2.9% from the $232BN collected last July and a reversal from the recent increasing trend...

... and in July, the 12 month trailing receipt total was barely higher compared to a year ago, up just 0.4% Y/Y after rising as much as 3.1% at the end of 2017.

Meanwhile Federal spending rose, up 9.9% from $275BN last July to $302BN last month.

This resulted in a July budget deficit of $77 billion, in line with expectations, and a signification deterioration from the $43 billion recorded in July of 2017.

The July deficit brought the cumulative 2018F budget deficit to over $684BN during the first 10 month of the fiscal year, up 28% over the past year.

This is the highest 12 month cumulative deficit since May 2013; as a reminder the deficit is expect to increase further amid the tax and spending measures, and rise above $1 trillion as soon as next year.

Most Wall Street firms forecast a deficit for fiscal 2018 of about $850 billion, at which point things get... much worse. As we showed In a recent report, CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has also significantly raised its deficit projection over the 2018-2028 period.

But while out of control government spending is clearly a concern, an even bigger problem is what happens to not only the US debt, which recently hit $21.3 trillion, but to the interest on that debt, in a time of rising interest rates.

US government Interest Payments are already rising rapidly, and just hit an all time high of $538 billion in Q2 2018.

Interest costs are increasing due to three factors: an increase in the amount of outstanding debt, higher interest rates and higher inflation. Needless to say, all three are increasing.


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Plundering and Predatory Nation — 2018

From Harbin to the USA...

My mother was the first to leave China for the US. Her father, Lazar Shulman, had a brother living in upstate New York; apparently, his sponsorship allowed my mother's family to immigrate to America. When my mother was about 10 years old, the Shulmans arrived in the small town of Ellenville, New York, “a village in Ulster County, New York, United States, approximately ninety miles northwest of New York City... The population was 4,135 at the 2010 census... (Ellenville, New York, Wikipedia)

At the time, Mom spoke no English, and the school authorities consigned her to kindergarten, where she had to endure the taunts of older children: “shame, shame, baby grade!” This experience impressed upon my mother the need for her children to speak excellent, native English. Her early humiliation was thus a basis for her not to teach me to speak Russian – or Yiddish, for that matter. When I was forced to move to Moscow in 1986, I did not speak Russian even though both my parents were fluent in this, their native language.

Soon afterwards the Shulmans with their two daughters than moved to San Francisco, California – from the US east coast to the west. All of my grandmother's surviving siblings had moved there, which I presume was the main determinant of the family's move. On the corner of Haight and Ashbury streets, my grandfather set up a small grocery store, the Victory Free Market. But times were not easy, and with the onset of the Great Depression, my grandfather with family help struggled mightily to make a living. “The Haight was hit hard by the Depression, as was much of the city.” (Haight-Ashbury, Wikipedia)


My father's coming to America was completely different.

During my father's youth, most or all of Manchuria was under the effective control of Japanese imperialism;

“Throughout the early 20th century the Japanese had maintained special rights in Manchuria...” (Mukden Incident, www.britannica.com/event/Mukden-Incident)

“After the Chinese Revolution of 1911, Manchuria came under the nominal control of the local warlord Zhang Zuolin, who was forced to grant the Japanese vast concessions in the region in return for their tacit military support... During the Chinese civil war (1911-1912) Japan exercised a controlling influence in south Manchuria with the support of its Kwantung Army.” (Manchuria, Encyclopaedia Britannica)

On some basis my father became a personal chauffeur for one of the leading Japanese political/military leaders in the region. Leo reminisced about driving this “dignitary” to various whore houses, where his ass could assuage his desires. My father claimed to have witnessed several instances where the Japanese overlords brutalized and even murdered indigenous Chinese people in the area. I have no reason to doubt his veracity on that score.

Leo disclosed to his children – and even bragged about - his concurrent role in Harbin as an informant for the United States embassy (consulate or whatever). No doubt he got paid for these “services.” American imperialism, of course, had (and has) no principled objection to brutalizing or murdering Chinese, but the US had its own mercenary interests in China, and imperial Japan was a serious competitor.

At a certain point, the Japanese invaders began to suspect Leo, and the US officials concluded that his life was in very real danger. On short notice, Leo had to drop everything, hardly said good-bye to his family, and in the accompaniment of a US government agent, quickly departed by ship for the United States. And Исай Аронович became “Leo.”

My mother's maternal grandfather, emigrating to the US, happened to be on the same liner, and it was upon the ship's landing in San Francisco that my parent's first met (in 1928 or thereabouts).

Service to the United States government was the ticket that brought Leo Lockshin to the USA. We have no sympathy whatsoever for brutal and then outright fascist Japanese imperialism, but Leo's soul was sold in Manchuria to the American devil, and it remained sold throughout his remaining lifetime in the US. Which included, as I shall discuss, surveillance and attacks against my mother and then against me.

For United States imperialism, nothing is sacred. No family ties or obligations have the slightest significance for the murderous secret political police of “America uber alles.”


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

In my series of posts “Insights Into The Secret Political Police,” I have written about the vicious (as well as the just “ordinary”) stratagems the CIA-controlled КГБ and then the CIA-controlled ФСБ (Федеральная служба «безопасности» России) have employed against me personally in Russia. The machinations were initially aimed at forcing me back to the United States, where “crazy Arnold Lockshin” would certainly have been killed and then simply declared a suicide case.

When that maneuver (actually a large complex of maneuvers) proved to be unsuccessful, the CIA-FSB attempted to kill me here in Russia. But – so far – subtly and quietly, so that no one would suspect anything unusual. Whether the CIA-FSB moves on to something more direct – like ouright assassination – remains to be seen.

Now I back up further in my personal history, to my earlier life in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” to disclose further details and methodology of the merciless and murderous secret political police of the police state dictatorship that is the real United States of America.


My parents...

Both my parents, of Russian-Jewish heritage, were born in Harbin, northeastern China (Manchuria); my father in 1908 and my mother in 1913. “A small village in 1898 grew into the modern city of Harbin... following the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, which the Russian Empire had financed. The Russians selected Harbin as the base of their administration over this railway... During the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), Russia used Harbin as its base for military operations in Manchuria.” (Harbin, Wikipedia)

For my mother Mary's family, the occasion of their moving to Harbin was the outbreak of major anti-Jewish pograms that occurred in the early 20th century:

“Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire (Еврейские погромы в России) were large-scale, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting that first began in the 19th century... A much bloodier wave of pogroms broke out from 1903 to 1906, leaving an estimated 2,000 Jews dead and many more wounded, as the Jews took to arms to defend their families and property from the attackers. The 1905 pogrom against Jews in Odessa was the most serious pogrom of the period...

“This series of pogroms affected 64 towns (including Odessa, Yekaterinoslav, Kiev, Kishinev, Simferopol, Romny, Kremenchug, Nikolayev, Chernigov, Kamenets-Podolski, Yelizavetgrad), and 626 small towns (городок) and villages, mostly in Ukraine and Bessarabia.

“Many pogroms were incited by authorities, even if some happened spontaneously, supported by the Tsarist Russian secret police (the Okhrana). Those perpetrators who were prosecuted usually received clemency by Tsar's decree.” (Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire, Wikipedia)

It was in this period, the early 1900s, that my maternal grandparents and their families fled tsarist Russia – very likely from somewhere in Ukraine. After her husband's death in 1941, my maternal grandmother, Rachael Shulman, lived with us during my growing-up years and related some of the horrors she faced. Unfortunately, I did not take note then of precisely where she had lived at the time, but it was a small village, probably in Ukraine.

I know much less about my father Leo's pre-history, but I assume it was – in general terms - much the same.

Why Harbin?..

“By 1903, a self-governing community of about 500 Jews existed in Harbin. After the Russo-Japanese war of 1905, many demobilized Jewish soldiers settled in Harbin. They were followed by refugees from the 1905-07 pogroms in southern-western Russian guberniyas (regions). By 1908, there were about 8,000 Jews in the city.” (The Jews of Harbin, China, www.bh.org.il/jews-harbin/ )

“By the end of the 19th century, Jews in Czarist Russia were desperate to escape the country’s poverty, pogroms and institutionalized anti-Semitism. Visas to America did not grow on trees, and Jews had trouble obtaining permits for any kind of travel, even within Russia. However, in a little known footnote to history, the Czar who plagued and reviled his Jewish subjects also offered them an out.

“The Russian government in 1895 had leased a land concession from China to build the Chinese Eastern Railway across Manchuria as an extension of the cross-country Trans-Siberian line. Once the tracks were laid, the Czar was so eager to establish Russia’s economic hold along the route that he offered Jews a chance to live without restrictions if they moved to Manchuria. They could chose between small communities in the Manchurian outback or the larger settlement of Harbin, which means “place of drying fish nets” in Chinese. Originally a cluster of sleepy fishing villages at the confluence of the Songhua (known then by its Russian name, Sungari ) and Heilong or Amur Rivers, Harbin had become the railroad’s administrative hub and was developing into a thriving frontier town.

“The Czar’s offer had its drawbacks. Ukrainian Jews from the Pale of Settlement had to summon their courage, pack their possessions, turn their backs on all that was familiar and face several uncomfortable and uneasy weeks on the Trans-Siberian railroad to reach Harbin... waves of Russian pogroms provided Harbin with a steady supply of Jewish residents.” (kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/harbin/brief_history....)


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

I have long resisted writing about the events during my 47 ½ years (1939-1986) in the United States of America that brought me to the concepts of Marxism-Leninism, shaped my life and forced me to leave my country.

The reasons are several. To begin with, there is much more to write about than one individual's personal history. There are universal – or nearly so - issues of a social, economic, political nature which critically affect the lives of the world's people.

In this context, writing mainly about oneself might come across as an exercise in ego.

Moreover, why give the utterly vicious and murderous US secret political police (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.*) gratuitous information? What information? On how an important target of their attacks reacted to their multitudinous ploys and responded to all - or in any case, to the main – stooges they inveigled, paid off, threatened, etc. to carry out this or that maneuver against me.

The US secret political police and their Russian stooges FSB (ФСБ — Федеральная служба «безопасности») assiduously follow everything I do on the internet. Nothing I write – or read – on the Web escapes their close attention.

In this respect, what I write might reach only a very few honest individuals – or maybe none at all. The CIA and associate-CIA bastards have cut me off permanently from two major Russian web sites: Вконтакте и Макспарк. They block sites and blogs they do not want me to see. They manufacture fake internet “friends” and “sympathizers” for me to respond to. I have no way of being sure that my posts are actually read by anyone other than the enemy.

There is, of course, nothing fundamentally “free speech”-like about the internet. In essence, the Web is a major “Big Brother Is Watching You” medium for the United States Gestapo. Everything – in whatever language and from wherever in the world – is collected and stored by the US National Security Agency (NSA).** «Nothing appears to be too small for the NSA. Nothing too trivial. Rivals, enemies, allies and friends – US citizens and 'non-Americans' – are all scooped up. The documents show the NSA, intent on exploiting the communications revolution to the full, developing ever more intrusive programmes in pursuit of its ambition to have surveillance cover of the whole planet...” (Portrait of the NSA: no detail too small in quest for total surveillance, The Observer Nov. 2, 2013)


All compelling arguments to maintain silence and just go on my way.

But there is a valid reason why I need to write posts about my experiences and acquired knowledge. My personal history is important.

How I survived the repeated onslaughts of the American and US-controlled Russian Gestapos needs to be told. Even more important is the fundamental knowledge I obtained about the US imperialist police-state dictatorship. The crucial knowledge that allowed me to out-maneuver the US secret political police plus their stooges and live to tell about it. I know of no one with a similar history.

All the more important to tell it like it was.

* The enormous US lie, spy, criminal, provocation, subversion and regime change, terror, drug-runnning, torture, war and mass murder apparatus

** “The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data...” (National Security Agency, Wikipedia).


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Dictatorship USA – A Personal History

Сплошная ложь - по приказу ЦРУ-ФСБ:

«В 1986 году к нам переметнулся вместе с семьей доктор Арнольд Локшин, которого преследовали в Америке за его прогрессивные коммунистические убеждения. Позже доктор участвовал в знаменитом телемосте СССР — США, который вели Владимир Познер и Фил Донахью: там Локшин с пеной у рта доказывал преимущества советского образа жизни. В Москве он получил квартиру, дачу и звание профессора, а также престижную работу. Не так давно Познер попытался найти доктора в Москве, но обнаружил, что там его уже нет. Люди, которые знали Арнольда Локшина лично, тоже не в курсе, куда он исчез. По слухам, его дети вернулись в США, а самого Арнольда в последний раз видели в странах, где коммунизм еще жив, — на Кубе, а до этого — в Северной Корее».

Из статьи «Забытые тени «холодной войны», или Судьбы перебежчиков» (Аргументы и факты, от 28 августа 2002 г.) www.aif.ru/archive/1621648

ЦРУ-ФСБ, с помощью подконтрольных им средств массовой «информации», с тех пор стремится «высылать» меня - Арнольда Локшина - из России! А я ещё здесь — в Москве. Безвыездно.
Семья Локшин - Материал из Википедии - ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Семья_Локшин



Таким образом сегодняшний предавший страну КГБ, т. е. ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - по приказу своего секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA) – мне запрещает выступать в СМИ. А это далеко не всё...


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: ФСБ - ЦРУ- Познер - АиФ Против Арнольда Локшина

«Закон СССР «Об органах государственной безопасности в СССР»: Комитет государственной безопасности провозглашался «политическим органом», осуществляющим мероприятия Центрального Комитета КПСС и Правительства СССР по защите социалистического государства от посягательств со стороны внешних и внутренних врагов, а также по охране государственной границы СССР». (“Комитет государственной безопасности СССР» - Википедия)

Вот ещё примеры как КГБ «защитил Социалистического государства от посягательств со стороны внешних и внутренних врагов». Среди многотысячных одобренных и выдвинутых КГБ лакеев США, врагов СССР и социализма:

(3) Горбачев МС: Парторг крайкома КПСС Ставропольского территориально-производственного колхозно-совхозного управления, делегат ХХII съезда КПСС, заведующий отделом партийных органов Ставропольского крайкома КПСС, первый секретарь Ставропольского горкома партии, Второй, а, затем, Первый секретарь Ставропольского крайкома КПСС, член Верховного Совета СССР, председатель Комиссии по делам молодёжи Верховного Совета СССР, член ЦК КПСС, секретарь ЦК КПСС, кандидат в члены Политбюро ЦК КПСС, Председатель Комиссии законодательных предположений Совета Союза Верховного Совета СССР, член Политбюро ЦК КПСС, Председатель Российского бюро ЦК КПСС, Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС, Президент СССР, Председатель Совета обороны СССР и Верховный Главнокомандующий Вооруженных Сил СССР (Википедия, Горбачев Михаил Сергеевич).

«Председатель КГБ СССР Владимир Александрович Крючков» добавил, что: «Горбачев всегда был предателем партии и страны» (Десять лет, которые потрясли… М.: «Вагриус». С. 36-38 - цитата из статьи Владислава Шведа «СССР: всё могло быть иначе», Столетие 28.12.2013).

Несмотря на это — вернее, из-за предательства Горбачёва - КГБ всегда давал добро на назначение того изменника на высокие партийные и государственные посты!


4. Ельцин БН: Первый секретарь Свердловского обкома КПСС, затем депутат Верховного Совета СССР, член Президиума ВС СССР, секретарь ЦК КПСС по вопросам строительства, первый секретарь Московского городского комитета КПСС, кандидат в члены Политбюро ЦК КПСС (Википедия, Ельцин Борис Николаевич).


(5) Яковлев, Александр Николаевич - один из главных идеологов, «архитекторов» перестройки»: Член КПСС с 1944г по август 1991г, Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол СССР в Канаде, Директор Института мировой экономики и международных отношений, Заведующий отделом пропаганды ЦК КПСС, Кандидат в члены Политбюро ЦК КПСС, Секретарь ЦК КПСС, член Политбюро КПСС (Википедия, :Яковлев, Александр Николаевич)


(6) Гайдар, Егор Тимурович, главный исполнитель американской программы «Шоковой терапии» в России, в результате чего погибли миллионы россиян: «В 1980 г вступил в КПСС и оставался её членом до августовского путча ГКЧП в 1991 г.

С 1987 по 1990 годы Гайдар занимал должность редактора и заведующего отделом экономической политики в журнале ЦК КПСС «Коммунист» (Гайдар, Егор Тимурович Википедия).

Гайдар - в журнале ЦК КПСС «Коммунист»!


В СССР никто не мог стать членом Компартии, вождем Комсомола... без «тщательной», полной «проверки» со стороны КГБ. Не было такого политического лидера или государственного деятеля, который продвигался вперед — на каждом шагу - без одобрения КГБ. То есть, произошло по директивам американского ЦРУ (CIA)!

В Советском Союзе ЦРУ-КГБ создало огромную доминирующую подрывную сеть, состоявшую из многотысячных злоумышленников — агентов.

Гибель СССР стала неизбежна.


А ФСБ - детище КГБ. Руководство ФСБ - из КГБ! Те же вредители на службе ЦРУ.


«Без предательства КГБ, конечно ни какого бы переворота в СССР не было бы. Это уже общеизвестный факт, для тех кто интересуется этим. Тот же Андропов, у которого жена, кстати, была наркоманкой, поощрял и помогал Солженицину публиковать за рубежом свои злобные книги о СССР, статьи и, видимо, помогал распространять их здесь. При Андропове был принят курс на сдачу СССР, в обмен на вхождение в мировую элиту, к тому же был план и по делёжке народного состояния страны. Были подготовлены люди, занимавшиеся этим. Они же протащили к власти Горбачёва, а затем и Ельцина». - Константин Милый 25.05.2017


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!

@темы: Секреты Развала Советского Союза