Time to end the dangerous farce (2)...

It was high time to shit or get off the pot.

While would-be murderous CIA-whore Lauren Brown was away, I gathered up my bankbooks and with my паспорт in hand I withdrew all the funds in my accounts,

Earning banking interest no longer concerned me! Closing one's accounts early (досрочно) in Russia was not an instantaneous process, and this first stage took nearly two days.

Then I had to urgently cancel my general доверенность in her name. This was vital above all to prevent the CIA-bitch from dispossessing me of my share of our apartment or even selling it. “Homeless Arnold” was not my cup of tea.

According to Russian law, this доверенность cancellation could only be effected by the very same notary with whom we had earlier concluded powers-of-attorney. And whom did I meet there? CIA-slut Lauren Brown – in person. Also to cancel the general доверенность - the one she had written for me.

How did she learn what was up? Not complicated. The nazi FSB, pig-fucking stooges for the nazi CIA, keep a close real-time electronic-computerized watch on my banking – as virtually on all my affairs. Here I was rapidly closing all my bank accounts just before the period was up for the obligatory handing in of my passport.

Possible danger ahead for the slut: with her power-of-attorney (доверенность) empowering me to act in her name, I had the legal right to withdraw Lauren's bank accounts as well.

The CIA-FSB bastards rushed the news to Brown and told her to immediately cancel all the powers-of-attorney she had awarded to me.

So I had no more access to her accounts – even though some of that was my money. Not a big problem. I had rescued enough funds on hand to survive at least several years, Russian passport or no. I had saved myself from starvation and utter disaster.

And another big bonus: prostitute-stooge Brown moved out of our apartment permanently. As she was legally registered (прописана) at our common living quarters, up to that point I had not found a way to dispose of her.


Naturally, after this episode was over, problems with receiving my new паспорт evaporated. Yeltsin's указ was “found,” the procedure suddenly moved on smoothly, and in December 2003, I received my new Russian паспорт.

In other words, the CIA-FSB felt compelled to make a defined tactical retreat. Of course, they still had exacted a presumed psychological toll on me, counting on threats and induced anxiety to contribute to wearing me down and eventually breaking me. Subjecting the victim to repeated, relentless stress and worry is an integral part of their malicious game plan.

For the vast majority of American and Amerian-Russian Gestapo victims, the situation is much, much worse. These victims have no idea who/what is behind their never-ending, excrutiating difficultes nor what to expect next. That is what was intended for me, too.

As it turned out, the American-Russian secret political police now had no grand victory in hand through denying me my essential new passport.

Had I not rescued funds from the banks, I may well have never received my passport-identification!

My partial victory to be sure, but the battle was far, far from over. The vicious psychological warfare campaign against me simply moved to new arenas.

ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...

Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США


ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!

@темы: Secret Political Police