Дополенение к серии «Америка и Фашизм»

“Гитлер был явным ставленником англосаксонской элиты и мирового капитала.”

Why did the United States of America and its “democratic” allies vigorously support the Nazis and fascism in general?

As a starter, we need to refute the commonplace characterization of imperialism as somehow “democratic”. The United States of America and western capitalist countries have always been police state dictatorships (see my series of posts “Dictatorship USA”), albeit not generally fascist dictatorships. That is to say that in a formal sense elections are held amongst competing candidates, people can usually meet and hold demonstrations, the mass media may (sort of) criticize the powers-that-be - although very rarely, if ever, divulge the intrinsic nature of the capitalist economic, political and social system, etc. The appearance of “democracy” is routinely promoted, while in fact the secret political police are the dominant factor in the tightly controlled society.

As concerns the United States in particular: Long before the Nazis came on the scene, the “great”, “democratic” United States of America achieved Hitler's “Lebesraum” (living space) with the utterly ruthless near-extirpation of Native Americans. “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” was a popular American slogan for decades. The reality was just as bad – and murderous.

In equally brutal fashion, the original accumulation of American capital was garnered by the most hideous and vicious form of exploitation – the human slave trade and human chattel slavery itself.

Oh-so-“democratic” America on various pretexts stole approximately one-half of Mexico. With the completed conquest of continental America, the US subsequently went on aggressive and bloody imperialist ventures throughout much of the world. Far too much to detail here.

American “democracy” is an ugly myth hiding a brutal past and a brutal present.


Thus there is nothing out of character for US imperialism to have supported the Nazis and their fascist allies.

And supported the Nazis and that ilk enthusiastically! With conscious intent and determination.

In large measure, the rationale lies in imperialist shock and horror invoked by the successful Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917. As well as by the accompanying mass upsurge of socialist consciousness and revolutionary struggles in Europe following the atrocious mutual imperialist slaughter of the First World War. Although unsuccessful, other notable revolutionary upsurges occurred: the sailors-led Bavarian attempted revolution of 1918, the Spartacist Uprising in Germany in January 1919 and the Hungarian Soviet revolt in 1919.

The imperialist world, not without cause, sensed “A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism», as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote decades earlier in the Communist Manifesto.

But it was the success of the Great October Revolution in Russia that most alarmed the vultures of the imperialist world.

The Revolution survived massive imperialist military intervention during the mis-named Civil War - Гражданская война в России. Over a dozen foreign countries – including the USA – sent troops to fight against the Revolution (Иностранная военная интервенция в России, Википедия). We note in passing that the on-going imperialist-sponsored terrorist war in Syria also is often deceptively designated as a “civil war'.

The combined imperialist design to “strangle the Bolshevik baby in its cradle” (Winston Churchill) was defeated.

Then, following the untimely death of communist leader Владимир Ленин in early 1924, internal counter-revolutionaries were stymied in their concerted attempt to take over the Soviet government. Even so, after Иосиф Сталин – an outstanding Marxist-Leninist - became the country's leader, the Communist Party and Soviet government were greatly hampered by a prolonged series of internal “debates” and diversions instigated by counter-revolutionary elements acting under the direction of foreign subversive agencies. Simultaneously, the imperialist countries organized a virtual world-wide boycott of the new Soviet republic, forcing the USSR to develop almost entirely on its own resources.

Genuine communists led by Сталин - with the support of the great majority of Soviet working people - overcame these obstacles. Notwithstanding repeated disruptive ploys and subversion by Троцкий, Бухарин and thousands of other vicious foreign agents, essential collectivization and modernization of agriculture proceeded apace as did massive industrialization and overall economic development. Simultaneously, the military was strengthened and peoples' living standards were markedly improved: free universal health care and education and much more. Socialism was proving its great advantage over capitalism!

(to be continued)


Перед нами сейчас - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».


Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com

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