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Why do so many moms die and suffer in the US? Stupid negligence
It really is down to things like ignoring critical blood pressure levels—for hours.

Ars Technica, July 27, 2018

The US has a shameful record when it comes to caring for its moms. The rate of women dying during pregnancy or childbirth is higher—much higher—than in any other developed country. Mothers die in the US at a rate six-times that seen in Italy and three-times the rate in the UK, for instance. And of those that survive, tens of thousands suffer devastating injuries and near-death experiences each year.

US hospitals either won’t reveal or don’t determine rates of maternal complications, and the country as a whole simply doesn’t monitor the deaths consistently or accurately. The US hasn’t reported an official maternal death rate since 2007—a situation health experts have called an “international embarrassment.”

Many of the pregnant women and mothers who suffer and die in this country do so from easily preventable, common complications—and hospitals know exactly what safety features and practices are needed to spare mothers’ lives and suffering, they just aren’t using them. Women are left to bleed to death because doctors don’t bother monitoring blood loss. Women suffer strokes and seizures and even die because doctors and nurses fail to treat their high blood pressure in time. The bottom line is stunning, simple negligence.

At dozens of hospitals in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Carolinas, fewer than half of mothers were given prompt medication for dangerous blood pressure levels that put them at risk of having a stroke or seizure, the documents revealed. At some hospitals, the rate was less than 15 percent.

While high blood pressure is one of the top causes of maternal deaths and complications, experts estimate that up to 60 percent of hypertensive deaths are preventable.

Hemorrhaging is another common but easily treatable complication. Women can bleed to death in as little as five minutes during childbirth. Yet experts estimate that 90 percent of maternal deaths from extreme blood loss are preventable. Such strategies to avoid harms are simple things, like weighing bloody pads to monitor blood loss (not relying on inaccurate visual estimates), having medications and supplies to curb blood loss readily available in a mobile cart, and responding promptly to signs of trouble.

Such simple steps have been recommended by experts for years. Many hospitals admitted they weren’t following guidelines. We’re not talking about a Third World country, we’re talking about us, here. This shouldn’t be happening here.


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