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"Their Wealth Has Vanished": Baby Boomers File For Bankruptcy In Droves
ZeroHedge, Aug. 7, 2018

An alarming number of older Americans are being forced into bankruptcy, as the rate of people 65 and older who have filed has never been higher - at three times what it was in 1991, according to a new study by the The Bankruptcy Project.

A three-decade shift of financial risk from government and employers to individuals is at fault, as aging Americans are dealing with longer waits for full Social Security benefits, 401(k) plans replacing employer-provided pensions and more out-of-pocket spending on items such as health care.

“When the costs of aging are off-loaded onto a population that simply does not have access to adequate resources, something has to give,” the study says, “and older Americans turn to what little is left of the social safety net — bankruptcy court.”

The jump is so pronounced, the study says, that the aging of the baby boom generation cannot explain it. “The people who show up in bankruptcy are always the tip of the iceberg,” said Robert M. Lawless, an author of the study and a law professor at the University of Illinois.

By 2013 the average Medicare beneficiary's out-of-pocket health care expenses ate up around 41% of the average Social Security payment, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Many older parents report that helping their children contributed to their bankruptcies. Parents co-sign loans for their kids, only to find themselves on the hook when their offspring couldn't service the debt. When you have rent and savings are minuscule — it is extremely difficult to recover from something like that. It is not uncommon to see student loans of $100,000.

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