Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

San Francisco Is Now 'Dung Capital' Of USA

ZeroHedge, Oct. 12, 2018

San Francisco is covered by poop, dog and human poop. According to the San Francisco Department of Animal, there are around 120,00 dogs in San Francisco. In addition, there are over 7,000 homeless individuals in San Francisco. Sounds a lot better than New York and Los Angeles. But the lack of shelters and a better system is putting the city in danger.

The Californian city is the "Doo-Doo Capital in the U.S."

"Living in a shitty neighborhood has a whole new meaning for San Franciscans," RealtyHop states. “While one would assume that lower-income neighborhoods might experience worse poop issues, that is not the case in San Francisco," according to the website. "It seems that the poop crisis in San Francisco reflects more so a social crisis."

San Francisco's comfortable climate has made it a mecca for the country's homeless. Out of the 7,499 homeless people recorded in 2017, about 58%, or 4,353 people, were masked as unsheltered, which has spurred tent cities across the downtown.

Data compiled by RealtyHop shows the number of poop complaints has jumped from 2011 to 2018, and the number almost tripled -- from 5,606 to 20,899 -- from 2011 to 2017. Researchers say 16,310 complaints have been logged in so far this year, which may indicate 2018 could be the shittest on record.

None of this is surprising as the cost of living continues to soar, leaving many residents left behind in the broken economy. Rising wealth, health, and education inequalities have driven the city to a breaking point, where low-income people have now been forced to live in tent cities and or their automobile.

"It's a kind of middle-class homelessness," writes Steve Lopez in the Los Angeles Times.

San Francisco covered in poop seems to be the result of a widening wealth inequality crisis. There are no indications the wealth gap will normalize, as the shit storm is expected to get worse.


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