Ukraine Crisis Deepens: Fresh Water Supply At Risk

Awful Avalanche, Nov. 21, 2018

Ukraine’s crumbling infrastructure has placed the supply of HOT water at risk, not to mention the natural-gas supplied central heating system. Now we come to learn that the situation is even more dire than that: The Ukrainian people, especially those living in urban areas, face the prospect of losing their supply of drinking water.

Укрводоканалэкология: “If we do not take undertake prompt measures to support this complex system of canalization and aqua-economy, then already in the near future, Ukraine’s centralized supply of water will be put at risk.”

The Cabinet of Ministers cut out of the 2019 budget funding for the project “Drinking water for the Ukraine”. Financing for this project (in place since 2011) was budgeted for $107 million, but in the end, the project was only allocated $7.4 million. And now has been cut altogether.

Ecologists also note that the system, inherited from Soviet times, is crumbling badly, with an increase of accidents, spills, and an overall loss of water.

If major cities such as Kiev shall, indeed, lose access to fresh drinking water, some people might see this as a type of karma for what the Kiev government tried to do to the people of Crimea back in 2014, when they attempted to cut off their fresh water supply. Which, by the way, is considered a war crime. The plan was to force the secessionist residents of Crimea to either die of thirst, or come crawling back to Kiev. In the end, the Russians outsmarted the Ukrainians by finding other sources of fresh water, and then building a humongous bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian mainland.

The Ukrainian ecologist organization estimates that the amount of money needed to repair and reconstruct Ukraine’s water system would be around $40 billion dollars.

One commenter noted sarcastically: “Centralized water supply is a relic of the Soviet past. It is necessary to rid ourselves of such relics. Glory to Ukraine!”
In conclusion: These Idiocrats first destroyed the gas-pipeline system, then the central heating system, then the aqueduct system… What’s next? Will Kiev residents wake up one morning and find there is no oxygen?


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