Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

How the government shutdown is hurting some of America's poorest families

As the shutdown drags on, it’s jeopardizing the welfare of those who live in HUD-subsidized housing, including low-income families and the elderly.

MSNBC Jan. 4, 2018

The partial government shutdown has frustrated tourists, delayed trash pickup in national parks and shut off the Smithsonian Zoo.

But as the closure drags on with no end in sight, it’s also jeopardizing the welfare of some of America’s poorest families.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is one of the seven agencies most directly affected by the standoff between President Donald Trump, who is demanding $5 billion in border wall funding, and congressional Democrats, who want to reopen the government without it. Since Dec. 22, the vast majority of federal housing employees have been forced to stay home without pay — prohibited from doing any work, including responding to emails.

Most of HUD’s routine enforcement activities have been suspended, including mandatory health and safety inspections of housing for low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities. Public housing officials say they don’t know how long rental assistance payments will keep coming from the government, and a suspension could put millions of tenants at risk if the shutdown drags on into February. And if there are any problems in providing affordable housing grants to local and state governments, as well as nonprofit groups, there are few people on hand to resolve them.

About 95 percent of HUD’s 7,500 employees have been furloughed without pay. Those exempted from the furlough include staff members needed for emergency situations. It’s been devastating.

Last week, the floor collapsed under the crutches of one Hartford tenant in a privately owned HUD-funded property, crashing into the ceiling of the neighbor living below her. The building's tenants have been waiting for months for the results of HUD's most recent inspection. But with the agency shut down, everything has been held up, leaving tenants stuck in crumbling housing.

HUD’s own contingency plan described how poor families would bear the brunt of the shutdown. “A government shutdown would deeply impact the millions of families in need assisted by HUD programs,” the plan says. “Low-income families make up 72 percent of HUD-assisted households — and more than half of those receiving vouchers are elderly or persons with disabilities.”

If the shutdown drags into February — which would make it the longest closure in history, housing officials and advocates say the consequences could potentially be dire for the millions of poor families who live in HUD-funded housing. Funds for basic public housing operations and housing vouchers are available through January. But after that, he said, it’s unclear what will happen.

Private landlords who participate in the Section 8 voucher program offer affordable housing to low-income tenants in return for monthly rental subsidies from local housing authorities funded by the federal government. If that money dries up, landlords could start to evict people. In addition, housing authorities could face delays in making critical repairs to faulty boilers or leaky roofs.

Even after the government reopens, the shutdown could make the affordable housing crisis worse in the long term. The government closure is already putting new deals with private lenders and landlords on hold.

By sidelining most HUD employees, the shutdown is also hurting morale at an agency already hobbled by staff cutbacks. This is creating a lot of stress for their home life and their families.

The consequences for both HUD staff and the people they serve will continue to mount if the standoff continues. The longer it lasts, the more direct the threats will be to low-income people.


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@темы: Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (018)