Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2018 (254)

America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effect on the Cold War (1)

Christopher Simpson*, OurHiddenHistory

The Nazis declared war on the USSR and there was a blitzkrieg type invasion. Their original plan was to conquer the USSR in literally a matter of months. In the areas that the Germans occupied, they set up a variety of different types of Quisling governments that were staffed by the local collaborators in those areas. They came complete with mayors, chiefs of police, policemen, militia forces and so forth; all of whom played a very important role in temporarily stabilizing, Nazi power in the occupied areas.

They also played a very important role in a variety of mass murder campaigns, most particularly directed at Jews, but also directed at other nationality groups and other so-called political criminals in the Nazi's eyes, in the Soviet Union. These collaborators were responsible for extraordinary crimes, involving massacring a million people in a matter of months.

An example would be a Ukrainian nationalist organization, OUN. During the opening months of the Nazi invasion of the USSR there was open collaboration between the OUN and the Nazis. The Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union.

During the opening months of the invasion, the Nazis had the OUN activists on their payroll, and they set them up as policeman, and governors, and mayors and so forth inside the occupation zone. The OUN saw itself as the government of an independent Axis, fascist country.

At the end of the war, the collaborators retreated back to Nazi Germany with the retreating German forces. At the end of the war, the Americans looked at many of these collaborationist groups and concluded that, "Well, they're of Soviet nationality, or one of the Soviet nationalities; they speak the language, they have a certain amount of expertise about life in the Soviet Union, they have intelligence information," so forth and so on. "We'll get them on our team. We'll hire them, we'll protect them and so forth," the same groups that had collaborated with Berlin. The rationale was to use these people as psychological warfare operatives in different types of covert operations; sabotage, guerrilla warfare and so forth, aimed at the Soviets.

To be continued...


* Author of Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effect on the Cold War


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@темы: America's Recruitment of Nazis