Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...
Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (402)
Warnings About "Perfect Storm" American Farm Crisis
ZeroHedge, May 17, 2019
An escalating Sino-American trade war is creating turmoil in rural America.
JPMorgan told clients Tuesday, the American agriculture complex is on the verge of disaster, with farmers caught in the crossfire of an escalating trade war. With a farm crisis currently underway, fundamentals in the Midwest are "rapidly deteriorating."
The machinery giant Deere & Co. is no longer “cautiously optimistic” as it has been for so long. The company reported lower-than-expected earnings and cut its annual guidance, as its farmer customers shun major purchases amid uncertainty about demand for their products.
Farmers are facing tremendous headwinds, including worsening trade war, collapsing soybean exports, global oversupply conditions, and crop yield losses in the Midwest due to flooding. As a result of tariffs and excess global supply, US soybean export inspections are down 27% year on year, The Chinese are shunning US farmers and are purchasing crops from South America.
Refinitiv trade flows indicate the trade war has cut over 80% of US soybean exports to China so far this market year (September-August). Domestically, the growing season is off to a bad start and soybeans are far behind in planting progress compared with 2018.
After promising over the weekend to "never surrender to external pressure," Beijing defied President Trump's demands that it not resort to retaliatory tariffs and announced plans to slap new levies on $60 billion in US goods. China's retaliatory tariff rate increase comes after the White House raised tariffs on some $200 billion in Chinese goods to 25% from 10% on Friday.
In more bad news, China might completely stop purchasing agricultural products from the US. There are currently 7.4 million metric tons of beans that have not yet been shipped to China, according to the US Department of Agriculture data. China could easily cancel the orders, or if the beans are en route, Chinese ports could refuse to take the cargo.
This all comes at a time when farmers are defaulting and missing payments at alarming rates. The number of farmers filing for bankruptcy climbed to its highest level in a decade. Because of the unfriendly environment, the level of farm debt is approaching highs not seen since the farm crisis of the early 1980s.
Farm Crisis: Soybeans Crash To Decade-Low As Trade War Intensifies
ZeroHedge, May 14, 2019
American Farmers Go Bankrupt
ZeroHedge, May 4, 2019
The number of farmers across the Midwest filing for bankruptcy soared to its highest level in a decade. Farmers are closing up shop, liquidating machinery and land, all to stem financial pressure.
Перед нами - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».
Нынешние киевские власти — фашистские агенты американского империализма... Именно то, чего хотят Трамр/ США и в Венесуэле!
Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com
Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 15 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!
ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...
Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США
ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты, комментарии в Вконтакте, в Макспарке, в Facebook (“a dangerous account”), в Medium.com... и удаляют ещё много других моих постов!
Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (402)
Warnings About "Perfect Storm" American Farm Crisis
ZeroHedge, May 17, 2019
An escalating Sino-American trade war is creating turmoil in rural America.
JPMorgan told clients Tuesday, the American agriculture complex is on the verge of disaster, with farmers caught in the crossfire of an escalating trade war. With a farm crisis currently underway, fundamentals in the Midwest are "rapidly deteriorating."
The machinery giant Deere & Co. is no longer “cautiously optimistic” as it has been for so long. The company reported lower-than-expected earnings and cut its annual guidance, as its farmer customers shun major purchases amid uncertainty about demand for their products.
Farmers are facing tremendous headwinds, including worsening trade war, collapsing soybean exports, global oversupply conditions, and crop yield losses in the Midwest due to flooding. As a result of tariffs and excess global supply, US soybean export inspections are down 27% year on year, The Chinese are shunning US farmers and are purchasing crops from South America.
Refinitiv trade flows indicate the trade war has cut over 80% of US soybean exports to China so far this market year (September-August). Domestically, the growing season is off to a bad start and soybeans are far behind in planting progress compared with 2018.
After promising over the weekend to "never surrender to external pressure," Beijing defied President Trump's demands that it not resort to retaliatory tariffs and announced plans to slap new levies on $60 billion in US goods. China's retaliatory tariff rate increase comes after the White House raised tariffs on some $200 billion in Chinese goods to 25% from 10% on Friday.
In more bad news, China might completely stop purchasing agricultural products from the US. There are currently 7.4 million metric tons of beans that have not yet been shipped to China, according to the US Department of Agriculture data. China could easily cancel the orders, or if the beans are en route, Chinese ports could refuse to take the cargo.
This all comes at a time when farmers are defaulting and missing payments at alarming rates. The number of farmers filing for bankruptcy climbed to its highest level in a decade. Because of the unfriendly environment, the level of farm debt is approaching highs not seen since the farm crisis of the early 1980s.
Farm Crisis: Soybeans Crash To Decade-Low As Trade War Intensifies
ZeroHedge, May 14, 2019
American Farmers Go Bankrupt
ZeroHedge, May 4, 2019
The number of farmers across the Midwest filing for bankruptcy soared to its highest level in a decade. Farmers are closing up shop, liquidating machinery and land, all to stem financial pressure.
Перед нами - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».
Нынешние киевские власти — фашистские агенты американского империализма... Именно то, чего хотят Трамр/ США и в Венесуэле!
Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com
Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 15 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости. Властители США воруют пенсию!!
ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» - мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать отправленных мне комментариев. А это далеко не всё...
Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США
ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты, комментарии в Вконтакте, в Макспарке, в Facebook (“a dangerous account”), в Medium.com... и удаляют ещё много других моих постов!