Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (473)

US Farms Are Facing Their Worst Crisis In A Generation...

June 7, 2019

The combination of the wettest planting season in U.S. history, a catastrophic trade war with China and economic conditions that are brutal for small farms has produced a “perfect storm” for U.S. farmers.

Farm bankruptcies have already risen to the highest level in 7 years, but many expect that they will soon surge to all-time record highs.

Due to the incredibly wet weather, millions upon millions of acres of prime U.S. farmland will not be planted with crops at all this year. And millions of acres that do get planted will yield a lot less than usual because of the wretched conditions.

Meanwhile, the U.S. will export far less corn and soybeans than usual this year due to our trade conflicts. With much less international demand, U.S. farmers are going to have an increasingly difficult time trying to make a profit on anything they are able to grow.

In the end, thousands of farmers will not be able to recover from this crisis and will be forced out of the industry for good.

American farmers already plagued by a near biblical parade of misfortune that includes years of low prices and a trade war with China are now grappling with record Midwest rain that will likely prevent a large portion of this year’s crop from even getting planted.

The troubles have created the worst farm crisis since the 1980s, when oversupplies and a U.S. grain embargo against the Soviet Union forced thousands of farmers into bankruptcy, experts say.

By the time it is over, we may look back and say that this was the worst farm crisis that the U.S. has ever seen.

At this point the number of acres that have not been planted with crops is “unprecedented”. Rain and flooding that began in March have kept farmers from planting a major portion of their crops during the normal mid-April to mid-May season in states like Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and Michigan. As of Sunday, 39% of soybean acres have been planted in the 18 largest producing states, compared with an average 79% over the past five years, Agriculture Department figures show. Sixty-seven percent of corn acres are in the ground, vs. an average 96%. Such delays are unprecedented.

What this means is that the amount of food that America’s farmers will produce this year is going to be way, way below normal.

And things had already gotten really tough for U.S. farmers leading into 2019. Net farm income fell by almost half between 2013 and 2018.

Now American farmers are experiencing a year from hell. China now plans to put purchases of U.S. soybeans “on pause”, and they are apparently turning to Brazil to fill their soybean needs. If the trade war lasts long enough, this shift in the marketplace may become permanent and U.S. soybean exports to China may never be the same again.

So what are U.S. soybean farmers supposed to do? Without demand from China, thousands of soybean farmers face financial ruin.

I know that a lot of people still do not get it, but this crisis is absolutely devastating communities all across the heartland of America.

And that should greatly concern all of us, because if they do not produce food, we do not eat.

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