Факты, которые подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И» в России скрывают...

Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (513)

"It's A Disaster Like I've Never Seen Before": 2019 Could Be Worst Year Ever For US Corn Farmers

ZeroHedge, June 17, 2019

The amount of corn produced in the United States this year is going to be way below expectations.

The Department of Agriculture just slashed its harvest estimates quite dramatically in its June report, but some farmers in the Midwest believe that those reduced projections are still way too optimistic. Millions upon millions of acres will go unplanted this year, but that is only part of the story. Much of the corn that has actually been planted is coming up very slowly due to the exceedingly poor conditions. If we get picture perfect weather between now and harvest time, this will simply be a terrible year. But if severe heat and/or an early frost hits the Midwest, this could very easily be the worst year that we have ever seen for corn farmers in the United States.

Illinois farmer James McCune told Fox Business that this year is “a disaster like I’ve never seen before”. After non-stop rain plagued the region this spring – when corn farmers typically get seed in the ground – most have decided time is now too short and are choosing not to plant.

As bad as things are in Illinois right now, the truth is that some neighboring states are in even worse shape. According to the latest Department of Agriculture report, 73 percent of the cornfields in Illinois have been planted, but in Indiana that figure is sitting at just 67 percent and in Ohio only 50 percent of the fields have been planted.

That is an unmitigated disaster, because the time for planting corn has now passed.

It is imperative to remember that even if farmers were able to get their fields planted, that does not mean that everything is going to be okay. In fact, corn farmers all over the Midwest are deeply distressed by what is emerging.

Right now we are facing an unprecedented nightmare in the heartland of America.

It is exceedingly difficult to grow corn in soil that is saturated with water. It is literally going to take “years” to recover from this disaster, and many will never be able to go back to farming again because they have been financially ruined.

However, a major heat wave this summer would be absolutely catastrophic, and if there is an early frost it “will turn this world upside down”… Much of the corn that has been planted is way, way behind schedule.

U.S. consumers are going to be facing significantly higher prices at the grocery store. We could potentially be facing the sorts of scenarios that most people don’t like to think about.

In all of U.S. history we have never witnessed anything like this ever before. We have seen endless rain and catastrophic flooding month after month so far in 2019. The end result of this crisis will be far worse than any of the “experts” were anticipating.


Comment AL: Another disaster due to the very climate change that liar Donald Trump denies.

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