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Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class — 2019 (619)

Trump Is Silent After Bankruptcy Wave Devastates Major Coal Producers

ZeroHedge, July 30, 2019

President Trump has routinely pumped the coal industry, calling it "indestructible" and telling everyone that "coal is back."

Coal consumption just crashed to its lowest level in four decades, and a string of bankruptcies from major coal producers has many people asking: Where is President Trump?

Blackhawk Mining, LLC., a coal producer with 2,800 workers in Kentucky and West Virginia, is the latest major producer to file for bankruptcy, according to filings.

The Lexington, a Kentucky-based natural resource company said in court documents that it has $1 billion in debt, compared to $165 million in 2018.

The latest announcement comes after a string of bankruptcy proceedings from coal companies in Kentucky.

Hundreds of Kentucky miners are out of work after Blackjewel, LLC, another major coal producer, recently filed for bankruptcy.

Blackjewel removed paychecks from employees bank accounts earlier this month. Another check mid-month never came. Miners and their families were left speechless.

President Trump was famous for saying "We are going to put our coal miners back to work" at a March 2017 "Make America Great Again" rally.

Blackhawk operates 19 underground mines and six surface mines in Kentucky and West Virginia, considered one of the biggest producers of metallurgical coal in the nation. The company borrowed massive amounts.

The Blackhawk bankruptcy is the third major Kentucky coal producer to file for Chapter 11 since mid-June. Alpha Natural Resources and Peabody Energy have also filed for bankruptcy in recent years.

In Kentucky, coal employment has collapsed in the last decade. Mining jobs in Eastern Kentucky plunged from 13,700 in 2011 to just 4,000 in 2017. Now there are 3,960 coal jobs in the region.

Several reports cited dwindling growth of electricity demand has contributed to coal's demise.

President Trump has gone radio silent on the coal industry since the bankruptcy wave started earlier this year.


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@темы: Bankruptcy Devastates U.S. Coal Producers