Flood of Pig Poop on North Carolina
LifeScience, Sept. 19, 2018
Heavy flooding from Hurricane Florence is causing a pig poop problem in North Carolina.
Pig waste often gets flushed into nearby lagoons in the state, and because of the heavy rain and flooding from the tropical storm, 21 such pig-manure lagoons "overtopped" and released that pig waste into the environment, according to numbers released by North Carolina's Department of Environmental Quality.
At least 36 other similar lagoons are likely to also overflow — and five are structurally damaged, according to the department.
North Carolina is the second largest hog-farming state in the U.S. It has around 2,100 industrial-size hog farms with waste lagoons that hold pig manure and poop-eating bacteria. As for the source of the waste, the state houses over 9 million pigs.
If waste gets out of these pig-waste lagoons, it could wreak havoc on the environment.
The hog lagoons and their farms could harm human health. For example, excess nitrate in groundwater (that can also come from pig manure) could potentially cause what's called blue baby syndrome — a condition caused by contaminated drinking water in which nitrogen can block the ability of red blood cells to carry enough oxygen, causing a baby's skin to turn blue.
The number released by the state's department of Environmental Quality is based on reports from farmers. And the number of affected lagoons may well be higher.
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